Suddenly Tine called out the triplets attention asking them to get ready for cake cutting ceremony. Si and Tim looks were excited as they run towards their parents, Thyme too excuse himself and walk closer to his parents and siblings. Tine and Sarawat look very happy too for celebrating theur children 10th birthday together, the trio were standing in the middle of both of their parents while Ram and Uma beside them with Maya and Anshuman. Sarawat had arranges big bash birthday party for the trio 10th birthday. It seems like his father had invited the whole city and everyone was present but the one Thyme wanted to see had the audacity not to show up. Si look around then right before cutting the cake Si asked, his mommy "Mommy can we wait for some more please, I'm still waiting for Kevin to arrive". Tine glanced at his husband face with weary then he crouched down explaining "Darling, Kevin is not able to come tonight. Gulf called me an hour ago saying Kevin is having a high fever. He cannot attend tonight's party but there's nothing to worry. Doctor said he will be fine very soon after a good rest". Tine look was upset, he knew his two children are really good friend with Kevin. A Omega mother can understand how fragile an Omega child can get at time. Si looks seconds away from crying after hearing about Kevin not attending their birthday party. Si and Tim knows how much the boy was excited for tonight's party, he will surely feel bad for not attending the birthday party. Sarawat couldn't bare to see his baby girl's and son's disappointed look. He gets down on his knees and cupped Si cheek and places his hand on Tim's shoulder promising the two "Don't look so upset kiddos, I promise tommorow morning we all will go to meet him. You can save some cake for Kevin. Allright?. I'm sure he will be allright by tommorow?". Si and Tim had no other choice then to agree to their father as they both nods their head to visit Kevin tommorow morning.

Last Evening:

Kevin has just exited the school library, he find few chapters little difficult to understand hence he stayed back in the school making notes also soon exams were approaching he had no choice other than spend long hours after the class ended catching up his syllabus, usually Si or Tim loves to accompany him but since next day it was their birthday the two went home bit early leaving Kevin all alone in their school library. There were few more students in the library busy catching up their syllabus but as Kevin exited the library hall, he find the corridor deserted which didn't bother Kevin, since it wasn't the first time but he usually wasn't alone at this late hour in the evening. Kevin was walking alone by the long corridor minding his own business, excited about Si and Tim's birthday party, thinking about the food he would like to eat as soon as he reached back at his home, when suddenly out of nowhere he heard footsteps behind him. In the beginning Kevin decide to shrug it, but after few seconds the footsteps get louder, he unconsciously turned his head to see but found nobody. Suddenly his heart started racing, he turned his head in front and increase his pace heading towards the parking lot where his family driver was already waiting for him to take back home. His heart started thumping loudly inside his chest, but again out of nowhere he heard something falling on the ground with a loud thud right behind him causing Kevin to flinch on his footsteps. Kevin couldn't help he pause to look at his back, with frantic heartbeat, beads of sweat already started trickling on his cute forehead yet again he didn't found anything on his sight. Suddenly a distant memory about some ghost movie came into his mind. He wasn't fond of horror movie anyway but this time it gets to him good. Kevin couldn't help his gut churned just thinking of ghost existing in school corridor and keeping an eye on him all these time. The Omega was hella scared realizing anytime Mr ghost will appears out of nowhere and kill him then make him ghost. The ghost from all the horror movies started appearing one by one in to his mind, his legs felt like jelly. His grip tighten on his school bag straps, his breathing got heavily though he never heard anything about ghost existing in his school, he also doesn't wanted to be the first to witness it.

Kevin turned around and started taking long stride but once again footsteps only got louder and as if coming closer and only closer. Kevin felt someone punch his gut thinking  Mr ghost following him, never in the million years he wanted to meet Mr ghost. Little Kevin was so scared he began to run for his life, he wanted to get away from the corridor, as fast as possible. As his footsteps speed up he also started hearing wired noises, his suspicion got sure, when he heard Ramsay horror serial background score there was really a ghost behind him. He was regretting staying so late in the school library alone. Suddenly goosebumps rose all over his body when he felt something came flying towards him, hitting his fragile body. Little Kevin couldn't help but scream out loud "Ahhhh..... Mummyyyyyy... mummyyyyy". Kevin run faster, as footsteps only got louder and overdramatic way as flying balls felt like heavy and harmful. When in reality it was just a light as feather paper ball. While running like an Usain bolt, Kevin loose his gravity make him fall right on his face. Kevin winced at the impact immediately sitting on his butt and closing his eyes in fear, on the floor. He began chanting non stop "Om namah, shivay"  for hundredth times. But  after a moment when everything become silent Kevin open his eyes slowly, and found paper balls were lying around him on the floor. Little Kevin blink dumbly when suddenly few more paper balls came flying on to him, from all direction together with an actual basket ball comes in his direction with loud laughter. Kevin by reflex grabs the basket ball, then look up only to find Thyme and his two dumb friends Dew and Nani standing by the corridor and laughing at him like a maniac. All three were laughing hysterically, poor Kevin couldn't help he close his eyes and started taking deep breaths to calm himself down.  After a moment Kevin open his eyes and glared at the Alpha Thyme who he hate the most and try to stay away as much as possible but Kevin glare didn't stop Thyme and his friends from laughing, infact he laugh more harder when Nani commented in between the sobs of laughter looking at Thyme "Told you ... your mouse is actually a scardy cat". Thyme smack Nani's head retorting "He is not mine".  And they all laugh their ass off  again on Kevin's miserable state. Kevin watch the three boys were wearing his sports wear which only means the three stayed behind this late for basketball practice but why he has to be so dumb, Kevin cursed himself under his breath for falling for the stupid prank, but he was sure, Thyme will be the mastermind behind this for sure, since the Alpha dislikes him so much and always act mean. It is really a mystery to Kevin why the Alpha Thyme dislike him this much. Kevin pulled his backpack and prohibit himself from uttering any words he gets up holding the ball in his hands. He forward the ball towards Thyme showing his angry face stating "Your, ball". Thyme had a smug look as he was about to take the ball, Kevin immediately throws it away straight out of the window making all three to stop laughing and glared at the Omega. Kevin wasn't the one who easily get fooled or scared but this time he was really annoyed at Thyme Guntituthon and his stupid friends. Before leaving  Kevin stated glaring at the Alpha "I always thought you're just mean, but you're also a dumb and stupid boy. I hate you Thyme".

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