Shadow of The Ghost

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Say I'm coldhearted but I am just getting started,
Eyes on the target Now.

They say I'm dangerous cuz I broke all the cages,
No I won't sit and take it Now!
They left me to die I guess they never learn,


Simon "Ghost" Riley






22nd SAS Regt
Task Force 141
Hotel Team
Shadow Company And UAC








6' 2½" (1.89 m)






Mr. Riley (father)
Mrs. Riley (mother)
Tommy Riley (brother)
Beth Riley (sister-in-law)
Joseph Riley (nephew)


ACR, AT4, G18, M4A1, M9, MK46, M1911 .45, Thumper, Intervention, MP5K, MP5, Browning HP, Desert Eagle, WSP Stinger, SCAR-L
PDW-57, CBR4, RPG-7, Outlaw, Peacekeeper MK2


Knife, Throwing Knife, Semtex


The sterile office hummed with the soft glow of fluorescent lights, casting elongated shadows across the walls.

Seated across from me, my superior, Director Mitchell, exuded an aura of authority as he leaned forward, his steely gaze fixed upon me.

"Agent Ash," he began, his voice commanding attention, "we have a new mission for you."

I straightened in my seat, ready to absorb every detail of my next mission.

"Yes, sir. What do you need me to do?"

"Simon Riley, codenamed Ghost. He's a British soldier, serving in Task Force 141."

The mention of Task Force 141 sent a shiver down my spine. Ghost was notorious among intelligence circles, a shadowy figure who operated with ruthless efficiency.

"He's a highly skilled operative, feared by many in Taskforce 141."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Ghost. His reputation preceded him, and the thought of going up against someone of his caliber sent a shiver down my spine.

Your objective is to infiltrate his network and gather intel on his activities," Director Mitchell continued, sliding a folder across the desk towards me.

"But there's a catch - Ghost never shows his face. There's no known photograph of him."

I opened the file, studying the sparse details of Ghost's profile. His reputation preceded him, his name whispered in hushed tones among operatives. But without a visual reference, he remained an enigma.

There were reports of his past missions, his tactics, but one glaring omission stood out - there was no photograph of him. Ghost had managed to remain a ghost in more ways than one.

Sir, what's my cover identity?" I asked, already mentally preparing myself for the role I would have to assume.

"You'll be posing as a Doctor, General Physician to be precise since you have the degree and also works as a medical officer in CIA.
You are recently relocated to Manchester," Director Mitchell replied, his gaze piercing.

"We've fabricated a backstory for you, but you'll retain your American nationality. We can't risk compromising your safety."

I nodded, taking in the information. This mission would require finesse and discretion, qualities I prided myself on possessing.

"Be cautious, Agent Ash," Director Mitchell cautioned, his expression grave. "Ghost is a formidable adversary. He's cunning, resourceful, and he plays by his own rules."

He is very dangerous. He lurks in the shadows of your wildset dreams. He is stealthy and can knife you and kill you and you won't even know it until you get stabbed. If he even gets a subtle hint that you are spying on him you will end up dead."

"You are making me afraid now." I tried to laugh it off.

"I'm just telling you the truth and warning you. Try not to get killed. Also you can do this mission in your own way. We will provide everything you need."

"Your fake identity, passport, tickets everything is ready. You just need to reach Manchester. Everything there is ready. Your home, your new job and everything."
He paused for a second.

Strange!" I pouted. "How am I supposed to know who is he and how does he looks like?" I asked as I place the file back on the table.

"Fear. It will be fear when you see the guy wearing a skull mask." He looked at me.

As I gathered my belongings and prepared to depart for Manchester, I couldn't shake the sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. But I was determined to see this mission through, to unravel the mystery surrounding the elusive Ghost, even if it meant delving into the depths of darkness.

As I flew from the USA to Manchester, thoughts of Simon Riley, known as Ghost, lingered in my mind like a persistent shadow.

A British soldier turned legendary operative, his reputation as a ruthless killer preceded him.

I couldn't shake the anticipation of facing off against such a formidable adversary, knowing that every step closer to Manchester brought me nearer to the inevitable confrontation.

Ghost's legend loomed large, his cunning and skill making him a target you couldn't ignore, even as I traveled across continents. Each mile traversed only fueled my determination to outwit and overcome him, preparing myself mentally and strategizing for the showdown that awaited.

As I stepped into the home provided to me in Manchester, the morning light filtering through the windows, thoughts of Ghost consumed my mind.

It was Saturday morning, yet I couldn't shake the anticipation of the impending encounter. Every corner of the unfamiliar residence seemed to echo with the weight of my thoughts, each room a canvas for strategizing and contemplation.

With each passing moment, the tension mounted, my senses on high alert for any sign of movement or activity. Every sound outside seemed to stir the anticipation further, heightening the sense of urgency to confront the elusive figure known only as Ghost.

In the quiet solitude of the morning, the reality of the imminent confrontation weighed heavily upon me, driving me to steel my resolve and prepare for the inevitable.

Feeling the chill in the air, I decided to take a hot shower to warm up.

The contrast between the cold Manchester morning and the comforting warmth of the water was a welcome sensation, easing the tension in my muscles and momentarily distracting me from thoughts of Ghost.

As the steam filled the bathroom, I let myself relax, focusing on the simple pleasure of the hot water cascading over me. It was a brief reprieve from the intensity of the situation, but one that I welcomed nonetheless, knowing that I needed to be fully prepared both mentally and physically for what lay ahead.

Deciding to unwind and distract myself from the looming confrontation, I opted to hit a nightclub in the evening, craving the taste of a refreshing margarita.

Little did I know that amidst the crowd, I would unknowingly encounter Him.

Hey Besties! How are you all? Hope you liked this chapter. Feel free to comment. Your ideas and thoughts are appreciated. I really tried my best to give it a good shot.
Thank you all!

Rogue's Touch - Simon Ghost Riley (Call Of Duty)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin