Chapter 9: A Missing Piece

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Harry watched Louis leave with his son; this only adding to the tension he felt knowing that they could do anything to Alexander and he would know not until tomorrow's tide.

However, his instincts told him that Louis would protect his son and that the handshake from earlier had been a testament to that. Though, he had many worries still of Ana. She was only one of three women onboard the Tenerife Sea and one of these women were in of no danger as she would lay their balls off if the men dare touch her without permission.

Harry was unsure of Ana and Katherine.

His look must have been far off as Eboninea cleared her throat for a second time when Harry's gaze seemed stuck to the entrance of her cabin door.

"Sorry, captain." Harry apologized half-heartedly, turning to meet the gaze of his captor. She watched him as he did her; both in trepidation, but for totally different reasons.

Hers more cautious as she knew Harry was not happy with how the evening's events turned out; but neither was she.

"I require your assistance into the bath. I believe that not too much to ask; seeing as you know what happens when you refuse an order." Eboninea warned, watching him move toward her. She reached for the hilt of her sword, removing it with ease and placing the tip of the blade against Harry's throat.

He stopped in his tracks, eyes wide with fear at the scraping metal against the scabbard as it was taken from its holster.

"I – I." Harry swallowed, the blade moving with his action.

"You will not approach me so crudely, Officer. I do not like sudden movements. Those make me nervous and it would be a shame to leave your son orphaned so soon because you had the stupid notion to let your emotions rule above common sense." She explained calmly, watching his throat move again as he swallowed.

"I apologize, Captain. I did not realize. Tis how I approach everyone. I was j-just following..." He trailed off, relief flooding his face when she holstered her sword again.

"You are angry, officer Styles and I get why. However, trying to intimidate me will not change my mind on sparing your nursemaid the same punishments as I would give any man here who lost their temper on me. She lost her temper and made it worse for herself. Tis not my fault any more than yours." Eboninea attempted to assure.

Harry shook his head.

"She's not a man though, Lady Isolde. She is only a woman with strong feelings. Tis all. She feels an injustice and if I may speak thine truth? I feel it truly is unjustly so. You were already looking to punish her; yet I understand not why?" Harry practically begged, gripping his hands tightly together at the front so she didn't think him a threat.

Eboninea paused, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully to his wayward thoughts.

She shrugged and turned around, allowing the buckle of her sword to become visible.

"It matters not, Master Styles. Now, I want you to unbuckle my belt that holds my sword's sheath. Leave it fall to the ground least you find tasting metal appealing." She belted out another command, feeling his fingers unbuckle the intricate gold-plated belt around her curvy hips.

He watched the belt come undone and fall toward the floor with a metallic clash. His eyes lingered at the fruits God so amply gave her for child-bearing.

She should be so blessed; his wife had smaller hips; which was perhaps why there were complications to her pregnancy and Alexander's birth.

Eboninea turned around when she felt his hand touch the side of her hip. Her eyes glowered down with confusion dancing across her ageless face.

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