Chapter 2: Negotiations

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The sun had set hours previous; quietness lingering about as it did that time of night. Eboninea though, was wide awake. Her body leaning at her helm, hand resting on its wheel.

A gentle breeze brushed her long curls back, giving her a taste of the sea air. It was thick that night; so much that it left a taste of salt on her breath.

A small exhale chased away some fatigue; letting her troubled mind wander to their prisoners below. She hadn't struck an accord with The Juliet's captain just yet; but her hope was that he would relinquish his stalemate. Captain Sheeran would do the right thing if he did not wish to see his remaining crew killed or sold.

"It's late, cap'in. You're usually asleep by now. Is there something troubling you?" Louis asked concerned, his soft footsteps barely making a sound when approaching.

He stood next to her, staring out into the dark abyss. When she remained silent, apparently deep in thought enough that it took her a moment to realize he had said anything at all.

She shifted her steely gaze to her first mate.

"T'was thinking about the boy down below," Eboninea admitted, shifting her weight onto her wooden leg. "Both, actually."

It was an admittance to a more complicated truth. She was conflicted about her earlier command to have the boy tied down with his father.

Louis nodded; understanding the girl far more than she'd realize.

"I see." He replied, continuing to look outward, a thoughtful expression briefly overcasting his face. "Least you forget; your prayers have been answered my lady. Had the Juliet not gotten swept off course we'd of not made it otherwise. Our God above has blessed us with food and provisions until we dock at Nassau." Louis reminded his pirate captain, squinting to see if anything laid in the horizon. Far as he could tell, everything remained clear.

"True. However, there is something familiar with the lad's father. I feel as though I've met him before. Long ago. His eyes gave him away; that much I know." She trailed off, focusing hard on his eyes. They were undistinguishably familiar and it was driving her crazy not knowing where.

Louis stood stiffly; his mind reaching possibilities of where she could have seen the other man.

"Perhaps in a dream, cap'in? If they are familiar but undistinguished; then a dream would make sense." He suggested, but she shook her head.

"Nay. Tis longer still since I've dreamt. I don't have dreams," She insisted, letting her hands drop to her sides. "Only nightmares."

Louis glanced at her then. He understood what she meant. His world was much the same.

Clearing his throat, he picked his arms up. He turned them palm first so the natural light caught its reflection on his sun damaged skin.

"You're second guessing yourself." He hummed; his deep cerulean eyes downcast to the scars on his wrists. None more prevalent than the faded ringlets still indenting his now healed skin. "These should be a reminder, my lady." He showed Eboninea.

Her dark orbs took in his imperfections, making her reach over and encircle a small hand over his scars.

"Tis a reminder every time I look at you, Louis." She replied, bringing her touch up to his head, brushing down his unkempt locks. "You were my first servant after we mutinied against our captain. I bought you at that auction in Tortuga." She remembered, eyes casting now to his face. "I set you free, but you followed me aboard. Gave a promise to always be beside me. You've never broken that and for it, I am forever grateful."

Louis dropped his hands, turning fully to face Eboninea, his arms draping across her in a veil. He tightened his embrace before kissing her temple.

She never let anyone hug her. Louis was the only one she'd ever accept that sort of affection from. He had been doing it for years and only when she herself needed it. Even Liam didn't mince actions with his words. Louis was her first mate; Liam her second. Both men meant the world, even if she wouldn't admit it.

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