Two years Later.....

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After coming from office sanskar straight away went to his room

sanskar:how's the day swara ?i know you had a great time na ?but i had a long day it was so boring Madam.I Know you are angry .But Madam keep your anger aftertime because you must be proud that your husband cracked a big deal ! i know you are so me this deal was so important to me that I couldn't spend some peaceful time .But I promise that from hereon My all time is yours .I Love You meri Shona !!i'll get freshnup and come

Someone enters the room...

ragini: Hi sanskar! you came early today and congratulations for the deal laksh told us.we are happy and proud of you!

Sanskar:thanks ragini !lucky bhi na !you tell me what brings you here?

ragini:oh i forgot.Ramu kaka please take the laundry.sanskar come for dinner chachiji and ma made everything that you like !

sanskar :okay ragini you go i'll join you guys

At Dinning Table ..

everybody was seated in their respective chairs and started their dinner

DP:Congratulatons sanskar we are very proud of you!stay blessed and stay happy .kee the good work up
sanskar :thank you badepapa

Rp:sankar beta everybody was praising you a lot we are happy

lucky :yes bhai what a presentation which made everybody shut !congooo bhaiii

uttra :congratulations bhai

AP:Sanskar we made sweets for your sucess.have it beta

sujatha :yes sanskar take it !

sanskar:thank you everyone for the wishes and i''l try my best to keep up the good work .badi ma and mom i appreciate your effort.but you know na that i won't have any sweets !please don't force me

everybody understood me and didn' force me and that sweet dish was kept aside and none touched it !we had dinner with some chit chatting and everybody retired to their room

sankar's POV......

I was staring at the sky and my thoughts drifted

Two years have passed just like  blink of an eye and I Still can't believe it.lots of things happened in these two years that i don't know that i'll be able to come out of it.they say life is a lesson and it is very true These two years have taught a good lesson to me and to our family as well.I can see the sadness in everybody's eye in our home .I can see that Our home has lost all its charm I know why it's because you have that charm from this home.Before  one and half year Ragini barely talked to me for the  past 6months only Ragini tries to talk  to me and I can see the sadness in her eyes.lucky tries to bring the cheerfulness to our home but his efforts couldn't bring back the cheerfulness that you have taken away and I can see the fake happiness in lucky's eyes.I can see the grief in Badepapa's eyes since he consisdered you as his daughter.I still remember the day when he told you being his daughter and How I told you Shona that I am the son in law of the house.I can sense the longingness in Badi mom's Eyes after all you were her favourite Daughter in law.I can sense the gloominess in my Dad's eye after all you are the one whom he had maximum conversation with.I can sense regret and immense sorrow in mom's uttara's eyes I can see the regret ,sorrow and shame about her act towards you Shona.After you left I know what I have lost.I came to know that You are the light of my life  .I know I have done a great mistake.I know you are angry with me and our family and you have the every right to be and be mad at us.But Shona you have us the worst punishment.why Shona ?I know I'm wrong I'm sorry .You were angry with me right?you could've thought about Ragini,Baba,Ma and your little brother Ayush by the way you know Ayush is 3 years old and he is very naughty and Ma has hard time in taking care of him.I can see Ma has lost all her charm in her eyes and Ma and baba is just living for Ayush only.I accept that now you were always right.I'm sorry Shona.If god comes in front of me and asks me what I want to change?I would go 2 years back and change all the foolish things that I and our family did.They all say that you would never come back again.But I know that you'll prove everybody wrong and come back to me!

What happened in these two years ?
What happened to Swara ?
To know the answer keep reading !!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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