EN Page 5.4: A great night

Start from the beginning

Flare: What?

Mrs.Mollie: And Kris too, do you two have girlfriends yet?

Crystal: "Sad" Not yet.

Flare: "Faltering" Ye- Not yet.

Leafy: (Hiding laughter)

Mrs.Mollie: (Looking at Leafy and then back at Flare) "Doubtful" Are you sure? That's not what you wanted to say, is it?

Flare: "Shocked" What do you mean?

Mrs.Mollie: "Happy" I guessed it, you're not telling the truth. (Looks at Leafy) So, what about her?

Flare: "Shock + Blush" What do you mean I don't understand?

Leafy: "Blush" No, it's not!

Flare: "Blush" T-That's right!

Mrs.Mollie: "Steady" Are you sure?

Flare: Sure!

A soft voice made Mrs. Mollie forgive Flare before everything was revealed.

Sunshine: (Rubbing his eyes) What's going on?

Mrs.Mollie: It's nothing, honey.

Sunshine: "Pretending to be angry" Hey LT, who let you hug your grandmother. (Hugs Mrs.Mollie)

Mrs.Mollie: "Giggling" These two.

Sunshine: Hey LT, can you hear me?

L.T: ...

Sunshine: Hey.

L.T: Z...z...z...

Sunshine: "Laugh" He's sleeping.

Everyone: "Laugh along"

Mrs.Mollie: Wake up LT, you've been sleeping a lot. Do you really want to be like Mr. Speed?

Speed: Mom, don't tease me.

LT: (Wake up, rub your eyes) Did you fall asleep again? I'm sorry but this feeling is so pleasant, so pleasant that it makes me fall asleep without even realizing it.

Mrs.Mollie: It's okay, you don't need to apologize.

LT: "Happy" Yes.

Crystal: Let's continue the party!


LT: "Tired" How are you two feeling today? Sunshine, Axel?

Sunshine: "Tired" Very happy and tired.

Axel: "Tired" Me too.

Speed: "Tired" Who is the most tired here?

Sunshine: "Happy" Dad! 'Eheheh'

Axel: "Happy" Hey, isn't Mr. Flare as tired as Mr. Speed?

Sunshine: "Happy" Oh, I forgot.

Flare: You guys are wrong, I only carried LT while Mr. Speed ​​carried both of us on his back. So who is more tired?

Sunshine: "Happy" We were just joking.

(Come home)

LT: What will we do now?

Sunshine: I don't know either.

Axel: Maybe we should go to sleep since it's quite late.

Pearl: Kids, go to sleep. It's quite late now.

LT + Sunshine + Axel: Yes!

Speed ​​and Lazuli are talking to each other.

Speed: What would you think if my mother found out everything?

Lazuli: If it was you who exposed it, I would punch you immediately.

Speed: "Scared" I-I, I'm sure I won't reveal it, don't worry!

(In Crystal's room)

Crystal: "Bored" Why? Why am I still lonely? Even Flare, she seems to like Leafy and Leafy is the same. Why am I always lonely? Why???

(In Pearl and Black's room)

Pearl: (Manipulates the pieces of cloth to wrap Black up and gag him like in Chapter 1) This time you won't be able to ask anyone for help. "Sinister smile"

Black: {Gagging} (Screaming helplessly) Mphmmhmhnhmm!

(In Leafy's room)

Leafy: "Sad" *I accidentally revealed it. What to do now. Aunt Mollie had guessed everything. I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to reveal it.*

Leafy: *But I'm just afraid that tonight, it will continue like last night. A cruel torture to his sister*

(In Flare's room)

Flare: *Everything happened so fast, a while after it was restored, a lot of things happened. Even Fluffy, has she hatched now? Or where is she? It's an unknown. But now, what I can do is continue to live and raise her. I also have to thank her sister for helping me and Leafy get together. If it weren't for her and her sister, Leafy and I still wouldn't have dared to confess our love to each other. But she's not normal, she can subconsciously change things with her sister. A special ability. I wonder what Eevee clan she belongs to that possesses that ability. Now I shouldn't be too curious. I should go to sleep otherwise I won't be able to wake up early tomorrow, and if I don't wake up early, Axel will definitely wake me up that way. I don't want to feel that way again.*

(In Sylvia's room)

Sylvia: *I rejected it, rejected Black's confession. I know it will make him sad but I'm the same as Leafy, I only see him as a friend, I don't like him. If it were normal, I would still accept it, but Pearl loves him very much and I don't want to destroy it. I really don't love anyone. Wait, there is someone, but he is loved by someone else...*

-Scene change to Gai's house-

Gai: Sigh... When will she come back? I really miss her. (Suddenly remembered something, ran inside and took out the item that CC gave her before leaving) That's it "Excited"

Gai activated the thing and then the thing lit up.

Gai: It worked.

Gai: CC! Are you there? Do you hear me?

A familiar voice came from that object.

CC: It's me, what's going on, Gai?

Gai: "Emotional" CC? Is that you?

CC: It's me, what's going on? Why are you crying?

Gai: "Crying" N-Nothing. It's just that I'm so emotional...

CC: Is that so...

Gai: By the way CC, when can we meet again?

CC: Whenever you want and I want too, we can meet.

Gai: "Surprised" R-Really?

CC: Indeed.

Gai: Well then, tomorrow... Is tomorrow okay?

CC: Maybe but not sure. So where will we meet?

Gai: The place where we first met. Around afternoon, we will meet there.

CC: Okay. Goodbye, we have to stop the conversation here. I have work to do.

Gai: Can we talk longer?

CC: I'm sorry but we can't.

Gai: "Sad" Okay, goodbye.

CC: Goodbye. See you tomorrow.

That piece of object no longer glowed, and CC's voice was no longer there. Gai is excitedly looking forward to tomorrow, which will come quickly.

Gai: I have to prepare my things to go see her tomorrow!

To be continued...

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A Page contains joy and happiness.

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