EN Page 5.2: Just a nightmare and bad memories.

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Continued EN Page 5.1

It was also that night.

In Lazuli's dream...

---The tragedy that happened to her mother, because it happened in front of her and it became a mark in her mind... She will never forget it- --

Lazuli: (Screaming) Mom!...

Leafy: "Shocked" (Wake up) Lazuli's scream, why did she scream like that...

Leafy: "Shock" AUCH! THE SEAL, THE LINK SEAL HAS APPEARED... No way... I-It's back.(Runs straight through Lazuli's room)

Leafy went to Lazuli's room. Leafy saw that Lazuli had fallen asleep while reading a book...

Leafy: "Shocked" I-It really came back... The Nightmare Mark...

???: "Bored" Sigh.. It's you again... Leafy!

Leafy: You... Umbreon nightmare!

Umbreon nightmare: Yeah, it's me again... So what...

Leafy: You really came back, but why did you come back here... The last time you appeared was that night. Before we came to live with Pearl.

Umbreon nightmare: Actually, I don't appear anymore because she's no longer sad. But now... She was very sad and it was time for me to come back here to continue torturing and torturing her through every dream...

Leafy: "Helpless" Now I can't do anything to you because I can't touch you... Sigh...

Leafy began to remember that time, after the two of them were kicked out of the house by their father for a short time...

(In the cave)

Leafy: "Sad" I'm so hungry... We've only been able to eat a little fruit these past few days.

Lazuli: Okay, let me go find more. But remember, you must stay here and not go anywhere, most of all, if the mark appears and no matter how much it hurts, you must not go looking for me, remember that.

Leafy: Why, why?

Lazuli: I don't need to know! But you must remember what I told you. Must stay home, okay? Don't let me worry about you.

Leafy: But... But...

Lazuli left in a hurry. She arrived at Sunny town... Entering an alley...

Lazuli: I'm here...

???: "Surprised" I didn't think you would come... Remember, it's 150 poké each time. Now I have 7... How many do you want and which one?

Lazuli: The whole thing...

???: Are you sure?

Lazuli: Sure...

???: It will be very painful!

Lazuli: I'm not afraid...

???: Okay...

Meanwhile, Leafy is in a lot of pain and the seal appears.

???: I don't understand why she risked her life for you...

Leafy: Sy-Syveo... What do you mean by that?

Syveo: Wait until she comes home and you'll understand...


???: It's all done... Since you endured to try it all, I give you another 500 poké... You can consider it as compensation for your mental damage.. Here is your money. 1550 poke.

Lazuli: Thank you (Speaking in pain)

After that, Lazuli went to buy a bag of strawberry seeds and some food, she also bought a backpack that Leafy always kept.

(In the cave)

Lazuli: I'm home...

Leafy: (Jumped out and hugged her) Where did you go and just came back now?

Lazuli: You don't need to know, but I have something for you...

Leafy: WOW! There's so much food... There's even strawberry seeds... Oh, what are the strawberry seeds for... Where did you get the money to buy them... I remember you're no longer a rescuer. already ? (Looks at Lazuli with suspicious eyes)

Lazuli: *I can't tell her everything* Well...Um... Because this is my savings... As for the strawberry seeds, I bought them so we can plant them...

Leafy: (Even though he didn't believe it, he still said it) Yes...

<That night>

Lazuli had a nightmare, a seal appeared on her forehead. That nightmare took her back to the time the tragedy happened and she heard blame and curses whispering in her ear.

Lazuli: (Screaming but still sleeping)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Leafy: (Wake up) What is that? Looks like she's having a nightmare... Wait, there's something red on her forehead...

Leafy, she got closer to her sister to see that picture clearly...

Leafy: It's strange, it's the same as my seal but with different details...

???: Hello hehe

Leafy: "Frightened" Someone. (Turns and punches towards the sound but...)

???: You can't touch me...My name is Umbreon nightmare, and you...

Leafy: I'm Leafy, why are you next to my sister? Get away from her...

Umbreon nightmare: I can't because I'm just a sealed entity...

Leafy: Seal entity?

Syveo: That's right, he's just like me. An entity born from a seal.

Leafy: Syveo! Why are you here? The seal hasn't appeared yet...

Syveo: Look again..

Leafy: I-It actually appeared... If so, is there anyone else besides the Umbreon nightmare?

Syveo: I don't know, I only know that each seal has only one entity. Meaning that as many seals as there are, there will be as many entities in a pokemon's body...

Umbreon nightmare: Okay, let me see... Lazuli, she has 8 seals, I am one of them. Nightmare seal. Syveo! You are a special seal, used to identify each other and warn the other person whether or not they are in danger. Currently you are linking Lazuli and Leafy together.

Leafy: Then what are the remaining seals on my sister's body? Tell me!

Umbreon nightmare: I don't know... They haven't shown up yet... But I just know... All 7 seals, except the connecting seal (Syveo), were engraved on her body in Today...

Leafy: Wait, if that's the case then... (Remembering the morning) There's no way...

Umbreon nightmare: Just as you thought...

Leafy: (Lying next to her sister) Sister! Thank you for everything... "Eyes wet with tears"

<Back to reality>

Leafy: Now, it's back... The Seven Seals of Misfortune...

Umbreon nightmare: I think you should have given me this nickname sooner...

To be continued...

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