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[ Prompt: She was a stranger in a very strange land ]


She was a stranger in a very strange land. Everything was the same, but different. The colours were far more vibrant than she was used to. She thought tree's in her world were vibrant, but here they were blinding. The dirt was such a warm brown, it was tempting to eat. The grass was a bright green, the kind you would find at a wealthy man's home but far more eye catching.

The sky. Now that's where things start to heat up. The sky was a lovely lilac purple. It didn't seem possible. Stars were lighting up the planet she was standing on, much like the Sun would on Earth.

There wasn't a soul around. The first and only human to step foot on this mystical plant. No houses, No animals, just her. It was blissful, peaceful, and lonely. She couldn't help but feel a stab of sadness pass through her as she mourned her family, her friends, Earth.

She had no idea how she got there. The last thing she remembered was walking. She was walking through the forest behind her house, she never even got to say goodbye.

She remembers leaving the house and walking the path she had trekked a thousand times before. Past the worn down shed at the back of the property was a path, a path she created herself from walking the same route multiple times before. The one grass covered forest was worn down to dirt in wake of her footsteps.

The cave! The cave that just appeared out of nowhere! Appeared in the middle of the path, she just had to enter. It was pitch black apart from this one purple light far in the cave. At the time, she knew it was a bad idea to enter the cave, especially alone, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

She slowly walked through the cave, feeling her way around with her hands and she slowly stepped forward, hoping she didn't trip on anything.

That's when she made it, to the purple light. A glowing lilac orb floating in the back of the cave. She remembers reaching out. Touching it. Then nothing.

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