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* Referred to this video to make Silencer's hunting knife.

Silencer settled closer to Olivia and Owen, surprised they were still asleep instead of playing with Earth in the clearing. She yawned, trying to stifle her exhaustion. It had been a day since Huntress' weapon was finished, and she had decided earlier that she would need to make her weapon later in the day. Willow got out of the nest, fluffing up her wings. She first hunted for the pack, then gathered the materials to create her dagger and sheath. Since there was a seemingly endless supply of metal and ink, she needed to hunt and collect firewood to restart the mini-forge.

Silencer soared high into the air, spotting a delicious fat vole. She narrowed her eyes and dove down towards the ground, the vole's panicked squeaks never came from its throat. After finishing her light breakfast, she caught a juicy rabbit and several mice. She also gathered some old, dry sticks and leaves as firewood. Returning to camp, she dropped her prey in the central clearing, flew up towards the nest, nipped her owlets awake, and then went to the sleeping caves to wake the rest of the shifters up.

After doing so, Willow started to make her weapon- a dagger. First, she shifted into human form and sketched the blade design on a leaf using black-pigment ink and a sharp charred stick. Then, she started the fire using Artemis' matchbox and took a long piece of iron, heating it in the shape of a blade repeatedly until it grew red-hot. Willow used a rock hammer to carefully chip away the access and a smaller, sharper stone to ground the edges so that it would be shinier and sharper. Turning to the stag antlers, she chose the most holdable and durable one and started to chip away at some unnecessary bits and ground them in half. Next was the iron bolsters. She drew the shape of the dagger using a pigeon feather quill right on the piece of metal and chipped away at the metal with a hot, glowing coal from the forge. Willow also drilled two holes into the iron bolsters and deer antlers.

The owl shifter then shaved off the edges of the antler to give it a smooth, polished look. Now, it was time for tempering. She heated the forge with antler shavings, firewood and tree bark, turning the blade over and over until it grew sun-fired hot, white, twisted smoke rising out of the hole. She then dunked it into the brook, where all the weapons past or future were dunked during the tempering process. The blade was tempered, staying sharp and strong during future battle, and not breaking into teeny-tiny pieces. Willow's hands ached, during her time in the pack, she noticed that the group of shifters would have calloused, rough and hard hands, proving their dedication and commitment to old-fashioned hard work. Nadia, she smirked, had even called Artemis 'Alpha' a term she heard only used in big packs, where the so-called Alpha was a male, and his moon-blessed female, his mate was called 'Luna'. She grinned, thinking about how Artemis, was the first female Alpha to reign since the virus struck and about how she could already start to feel bruises and blisters from hunting and training with the pack.

After heat-treating and tempering, she hand-sanded it, going around the blade with a flat piece of smooth river rock and walnut shells that her owlets had picked up a few days before. Taking some pine-sap glue from an earthen pot, the owl shifter glued everything in their places and sanded it one last time. 

The Hunting Knife of Willow the Owl Shifter was finally complete.

Author's Notes

Sorry for the 1 week long wait.

Selamat tinggal. ( Bye in Malay )

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