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The forest was quiet, save for the occasional growls that echoed through the still, chilly night air as she sprinted through the trees, dodging obstacles and leaping over streams. After a long run, she emerged into a small clearing surrounded by dark trees and wet, rain-soaked leaves. The darkness of the forest, without the light of the moon, was filled with pairs of unblinking eyes that lurked in the shadows, watching and waiting for something to happen. The backup team had arrived. Her mission was simple: eliminate as many enemies as possible, retrieve her leader, and return to the hideout to lay low for a few days.

Suddenly, screeches split the cold night air, and bodies writhed and thrashed, each snapping at the other. Claws and teeth scored the air, the battle had begun.

She whirled around, surveying her surroundings with caution. The girl climbed an old elm tree and watched. She spotted movement, and with her wood and bone bow held high, she notched an arrow, and in a swift motion, fired it. She never missed her target. She continued to move forward, taking down anyone who dared to stand in her way. Against the Archer.  She had a clear mission, and nothing was going to stop her.

As she fought, she spotted her leader amid all the chaos. She cleared a path for herself, striking down enemies until she reached her leader's side. She felt a firm squeeze on her wrist from her leader's pale, ghostly hand, and she hissed in pain. Her leader uttered her final wish, "Avenge me."

The Leader of the Silverstone Woods society was dead and no one was to take her place, not even her beloved Archer.

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