an awkward visit

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The rainbow haired girl started her way towards rarity's boutique, wondering to herself what the fashionista needed to tell her that required their mutual friend to not go. 'Maybe the girls are planning a surprise party for applejack?' she thought but quickly disregarded the option as the cowgirls birthday wasn't until several weeks from then. and so the girl kept on thinking about possible options until finally arriving to her friends house. she let in a deep breath before knocking.

upon hearing the door open she looked up just to be quickly pulled inside, she opened her eyes and was met with her friends piercing blue ones. the athlete noticed how close she was to her and took a few steps back.

-"oh hey rares, where's scoots?" she said, looking around for her younger sister.

-"hello darling,the girls are upstairs , i've missed you! how have you been?" the violet haired responded followed by an embrace.

the athlete awkwardly corresponded to pull her away shortly after.

-"but we saw each other yesterday at school?" she said, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the sudden show of affection from her friend.

-"oh right! it just felt like a long time, anyway take a seat, i'll prepare something to eat before we go to school" the fashionista said, walking away so the other wouldn't see her face turning red.

-"no no it's fine rarity, i already ate with aj, besides i'm not going to school"- she took a seat on the nearest chair.

the fashionista limited herself to rolling her eyes in jealousy upon hearing the blondes name, she finished preparing her cup of tea and sat beside the magenta eyed.

-"so why aren't you going to school dashie?" the mentioned felt her cheeks stain crimson upon hearing the name her friend called her, the only people who ever called her that were her childhood friend, applejack and...soarin.

upon not hearing a response from her friend the fashionista waved her hand infront of rainbows face

"huh? what happened"- rainbow said, trying to hide the fact that her friend startled her.

-"oh you just wouldn't answer my question dashie" she replied, resting her head on the mentioneds shoulder.

the athlete ignored the nickname and nervously replied-"oh i'm just..tired. yeah! tired" when realizing the phisical contact between her and the violet haired girl she added "uhm i have to go now so could you please go get scootaloo? i don't want her to be late for school" the girl gentely pushed her resting friend away and stood up.

-"oh right, i'll go get her now"- the violet haired walked up the stairs before shortly returning with both sweetie bell and scootaloo.

-"well, i hope you two have a great day" the fashionista said while leading scootaloo and rainbow dash to the door.

-"wait aren't you going? what about the thing you wanted to tell me?"- rainbow turned around to face her friend.

-"me and sweetie bell are going to manhattan, and don't worry about the other thing, i'll tell you someday" 

the athlete ignored the first part of what her friend said-"are you sure?"

-"yesyes now get going or scootaloo is going to be late"- the girl hurried them out the door and waved them goodbye with a fake smile which went by unnoticed by the others.

'what was that about? what was rarity going to tell me?'- she thought. after dropping off her sister she decided to go for a walk around a park near the school.

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