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Narrators pov-

The 7 girls had breakfast and were now all immersed in conversation, all except one, Rainbow dash. The blue girl was sitting at the far right of the table and had barely contributed to the conversation, she was too deep in thought to pay attention to her friends, all she could think about was her old childhood friend, she always tried to move on but never seemed to be able to. When applejack first arrived rainbow dash couldn't stand being around her, not because of the farm girl herself, but because everything  about the girl reminded her of her childhood friend, that cute country accent, her tan skin, blonde hair and those beautiful emerald eyes. Everytime she looked into those eyes her mind was flushed with memories she had hidden deep down that she hoped to never remember, although those memories were the best she had, it pained her that she would never be able to see her cowgirl again. And it was all her fault.

"Rainbow?" Asked a high pitched voice, rainbow quickly cleared her thoughts and looked to see a pink hand waving Infront of her face "what do you want pinks" rainbow asked "oh nothing you just zoned out while staring at aj" she replied with a grin. a faint blush spread across rainbows cheeks as she nervously looked at applejack "oh yeah heh sorry about that"  replied with a smile.

It was already 2 in the afternoon and each girl was heading towards their respective houses. When applejack arrived to SAA she decided to get to work on the farm, even though it was hard work it was still one of the highlights of her day, it relaxed her being alone among the trees with nothing but her thoughts.  was finishing off one of the apple trees when she heard her sisters voice "applejack!" She yelled, this almost caused the farmer to drop the barrel of apples she was holding, after regaining her balance she turned to her sister "what do ya want?" "You know how everyone meets their special person and know they are supposed to be with them forever?" "Yeah appplebloom, why ya askin'?" "Well almost everyone my age has found their special person, but I haven't!! I'm sure you found yours already right?" Applejack grabbed her necklace as if it were muscle memory and reminisced a memory she had last thought about last night while talking with rainbow dash.


It was a warm summer day, Applejack, no older than appplebloom was out walking Winona when a football came flying towards her when she saw a hand grab it before it hit her "soarin, I told you to be more careful, you almost hit her!" Said the girl, she had messy rainbow hair and bright Magenta eyes. "Thanks bout that sugarcube" "it's nothing, what's your name?, you can call me dash" said the cyan girl. "every one calls me ajack" "wanna hang out ajack?" "Sure" the farm girl responded with a grin, and so they spent the entire evening talking and playing around. They had just finished a round of tag and were catching their breath under a tree. "Ya know Jackie, your pretty cool" "Jackie?" Responded the orange girl "Yeah it's my new nickname for you" "thanks, dashie. Anyway, do ya wanna be friends?" "Duh!!" Responded the magenta eyed. And so a close connection sparked among the two, only for their connection to last until the end of summer and later be torn apart by distance.

-end of flashback-

"No ah haven't, ya shouldn't be worrying your pretty head bout these things yet. Your still young." "Well okay, thanks big sis!!" Said the red haired haired girl while walking away.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but I hope y'all liked it!! If you guys have any recommendations or tips please let me know :)

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