Rank A for Adaptability

Start from the beginning

Kirigiri nodded at that. "It's plausible, as absurd as it sounds."

"Knowing me, it probably is true." Maizono murmered.

"What makes you say that?"

He shrugged. "This situation feels familiar to me. I can't place it. Kind of like you."

"Like me?" Kirigiri asked, snapping from her thoughts and listening to him entirely.

He nodded. "I keep getting this feeling. Like I know you."

Kirigiri silently doubted that.

"Eh, maybe you just remind me of someone though. Who knows?" The PI stood up now, going towards the exit.
"I need coffee, I'll sort one for you."

"I need to shower, so I'll meet you in ten minutes." Kirigiri agreed.

Maizono was almost out the door when she called to him.

"Oh, and Maizono?"

Y/n turned back to look at her.

"I was relieved it wasn't you, also." She bluntly stated, making sure no emotion was present specifically to say that.

The PI smiled at her.
"I know."

After Kirigiri and Maizono had their coffee and adjusted to the day, they began investigating earlier than the rest.

Currently, they were in the newly opened nurses office, both making notes in their individual pocket journals as they did.

Maizono had stripped the beds before putting them back as were, noting down the mechanisms to adjust them. The curtains were made from a thick paper - which surprised Maizono. He assumed Monokuma would prefer a tougher one, but maybe his sick eyes had just been too liberally damaged by murder/suicide scenes in the past.

"Hm, look at this." Kirigiri was knelt down on the floor, one hand holding open the mini fridge under the counter.

Maizono toddled over, going down on one knee to look.

"Now, now, Maizono. Don't be getting down on one knee just yet." Kirigiri joked.

He chuckled, a pencil bouncing off his chin as he read each blood packet.
"Hm, starting to sound like you want me there, Purps."

He now had his nose in his book, scribbling something.
"Interesting how theres way more A/B blood types. Those are rare, so for anyone to have them here would be surprising."

Kirigiri hummed. "I agree. Although, I should tell you, I'm AB negative."

Maizono gave a small smile, "That doesn't surprise me, you of all people would have the second rarest blood type."

Kirigiri gave him a look as he stood back up, starting to look in the floating cupboards.
"And what do you mean by that?"

Maizono just shrugged.
"Just that you're one of a kind, it's hardly an insult Kirigiri."

The lilac eyed girl stood up herself now, looking at the equipment on the bench as she wrote down anything interesting.
"That was what I was afraid of. You are aware of the weakness in that, right?"

Maizono chuckled. "Not everyone can hide their emotions quite like you, Purps. Besides, if we die here I would at least feel better knowing you and Naegi know I do, in fact, enjoy your company."

She hummed. "I suppose. That said, what if someone wanted to get the best out of their trial? If they killed me, your reaction to that could potentially lose the trial."

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now