She had her head bent over something on the table, and she didn't look up even when I pulled out the chair opposite hers. Typical.

I'd tried working with a handful of tutors in high school and quickly ditched them when it became clear they were more interested in checking their messages and texting.

I opened my mouth, but my irritation died in my throat when Jennie finally lifted her head and our eyes met.

Her voice was made for radio, but her face was made for the goddamned silver screen. Beautiful kissable lips, skin that glowed like liquid silk in the sunlight, well-defined cheekbones. Brunette hair spilled in thick, silky waves over her tanned shoulders, and her perfect feline cat eyes that sparkled with warmth as she stood and held out her hand.

YGU was filled with beautiful girls, but there was beautiful, and there was her.

"You must be Lisa," she said. Somehow, she sounded even better in person. "I'm Jennie, but my friends call me Jen or other nicknames."

I finally found my voice. "Hello, Jennie." I placed extra emphasis on her full name. We weren't friends. We just met, and my reaction to her was purely physical. It didn't mean anything.

"Nice to meet you." If she was put off by my pointed use of her full name, she didn't show it.

"Since this is our first time meeting and the semester hasn't fully kicked off yet, I didn't prepare any study materials," she said after we settled into our seats. "You're heartbroken, I'm sure."


Jennie's quick grin sent an equally quick frisson of warmth through my veins. I shifted, half wishing I'd never showed up and half wishing I'd never have to leave.

"I thought we'd discuss expectations and get to know each other a bit during today's session," she said. "Even though this is a formal tutoring partnership, it helps if we like each other."

One of those types, I should've figured. "As long as you don't ask me to braid your hair," I said. "I'm not that good at braiding."

Her laugh almost brought a smile to my lips.

Almost, okay?

"No hair braiding then, I promise, but I can't guarantee I won't show up with cookies every now and then. They're wonderfully unhealthy and, if things get down to the wire, they work quite well as bribes." Another grin, another frisson of warmth. "Don't ask me how I know."

For the next hour, we discussed our schedules for the semester, Professor Han's irrational love of juxtaposition, and random shit like our favorite music artists, and colors. Jennie also dig deep into my learning habits—what type of environment I preferred; whether I learned best through sound, visuals, or hands-on activities; even what time of the day I usually got more tired.

I'd never paid attention to half of those things before and balked at answering, but for someone who resembled a grown-up Disney princess, she was like a damn pit bull with a bone. I eventually relented and answered after some thought.

Learning environment: big table, natural light, some background noise opposed to total silence.
Learning medium: visuals.
Time of day when I usually wanted to take a nap: early afternoon.

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