"Uhh...sir, a US carrier is within our sight."

"Wait,I was just joking-"

Standing up from his chair,the captain grabs on the periscope passed by the navigator.He can't believe it:It was actually an US carrier right there!And not just it,but a few more ships as well.They all have different flags and nationalities.But that doesn't matter much for the crew of Kazan:

<<All men ready>>-The captain shouts in excitement-<<Setting course,weapon checked?Good.Prepare to fire.>>

Under the surface,a torpedo tube hatch was opened.

<<Torpedo away.>>

Released from the tube,the Fultyar torpedo began spinning its propeller and charging at the joint NATO fleet.Undetected


A voice calls out for the distance between the torpedo and the carrier.Feeling like it won't be enough,a second torpedo was fired:


The first torpedos are closing it distance.Excited,the whole crew silently count for each second before the impact.Those who have the privilege of the periscopes are also watching,to see the carrier sink with their own eyes.

But something is off,the water surrounding the ships of NATO fleet suddenly gets lifted off.Not clearly,but enough for those few who could see it to concern about something.


For no clear reason,the US carrier and the fleet look higher than they should be.But the crews are waiting for the explosion,not that.


The voice broadcast across the submarine by the speakers.But following it,there's only silence.




The Fultyar torpedo travels for a few kilometers after crossing the target,before detonating into the abyss.Completely missed off the carrier.

"What the-oh no...no no no!"

Above the surface of the sea,the US carrier throws the seawater off its body and slowly levitates up in the horror look of the Russian crews.They were stunned,and the nightmare,it hasn't stopped.The fleet surrounding the carrier,following the flagship raise up their aviate engines and fly into the air,creating into a flying fleet,the second flying warship fleet on the planet.

<<USS Levitator calling all ships,reporting.>>

<<HMS Dreadnought,we're doing good,take care.>>

The heavy cruiser on the left of the carrier fired a shell in excitement,but the light cruiser from the front prompted:

<<Giulio Cesare calling HSwMS Vinka and HS Artemis,please restrain your friend.I do not want friendly fire over here.>>

<<Alright alright stop it Dreadnought.And by the way,where is De Vliegende Hollander?>>

<<Over here.>>

Beneath the rest of the fleet,a destroyer-size flying ship is looking for something.Drawing its coilgun to the left broadside,De Vliegende Hollander fired,annihilating the Russian submarine that had been watching them the whole time.

<<First kill.Okay,reporting in,we're all good>>

<<Good.>>-USS Levitator announces throughout the fleet-<<Everybody clear?Okay,all ships set your courses.Next destination is the High Sea.>>

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