Wanting To Be More

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"Let's see who's under that mask." Daphne says as she pulls Lord Valdronya's mask off to reveal a gas mask underneath.

"Like I've been saying all along. There's no such thing as real vampires. Right Mr. Van Helsing?" Velma asks as she pulls the gas mask off to reveal Vincent.

"Van Helsing?" The group asks in shock.

"But why?" Shaggy asks.

"He was trying to save Petit Chauve Souris Ville by staging a series of real live vampire events. Events tied to his latest book The Bride of the Vampire... Which I actually read. It's not bad." Velma says as she holds up a book.

"You really liked it?" Vincent asks in surprise.

"I said it's not bad. Don't push it." Velma says.

"So by creating a real vampire legend he'd get tourists year-round." Daphne says.

"And sell books." Fred says.

"It all makes sense now." Alexis says.

"It's true. I wanted to put the Van Helsing name back on the map. I thought once word spread of the ceremony tourists would flock here to see the place where a real live vampire wedding ritual had happened. Then I would no longer need Lita Rutland and her schlocky Vampire Palooza to make ends meet." Vincent says.

"And what about the actors? Are they alright?" Alexis asks as the actors begin to wake up.

"Merely pawns in his game. They were so devoted to the vampire way of life they were easily duped. When Valdronya first appeared they really thought their ritual had conjured him up. Van Helsing used their intense belief in vampires against them." Velma says.

"But Van Helsing was in the audience when Valdronya materialized in the theater." Fred says.

"He used a laser projector for that." Alexis says.

"I'd wager he planted similar projectors in the museum to give the illusion of the vampire in the glass coffin. Security cameras rewired for special effects would explain a lot including why there was no surveillance footage of Valdronya's supposed escape. When Daphne tore off a piece of modern fabric from Valdronya's cloak Mr. Van Helsing must've feared the threads of his plot were unraveling so to speak. Looking at it now I suspect he passed off ancient fabric from his museum as a cover-up. He staged his own demise in the swamp using this." Velma says as she gestures to the thing grabbing her.

"Aah! Vampires!" Shaggy shouts in alarm.

"No. A simple mechanical device he planted in the marsh." Velma says.

"Probably a prop from the theater." Daphne says.

"So when he was kicking and flailing..." Fred says.

"He was actually triggering it." Alexis says.

"But like how did he hypnotize everyone?" Fred asks.

"Knockout gas. No one knew what hit them. But when they awoke they remembered seeing Valdronya and thought he'd mesmerized them." Fred says.


"By gassing everyone at the wedding he'd slip away but leave eyewitnesses to tell the tale of Valdronya and his bride." Fred says as the group is watching police take the actors and Vincent away.

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