Looking For Clues

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"I'm here with Jesper Poubelle from the Society for Moral and Wholesome Living. Jesper how can people slay safe from vampire attacks?" A news woman asks as she is with Jesper on TV as Alexis, Daphne and Velma are watching.

"They can join in our crusade of moral righteousness against supernatural evil. Together we can stamp out the vampire scourge." Jesper says before Velma mutes the TV.

"I've heard enough." Velma says.

"That guy is becoming quite the media star." Daphne says.

"More like milking the situation for everything it's worth." Fred says.

"I think it's time we pay Mr. Poubelle a visit." Velma says.


"I'll keep Poubelle occupied. You guys see what you can dig up." Velma says as the group sees Jesper talking to some people before everyone but Velma sneaks around to the back of the trailer.

"Shaggy, Alexis, and Scooby stand watch. If anyone comes tap on the door." Fred says as Daphne begins picking the lock on the door.

"Got it." Alexis says.

"We're in." Daphne says before she and Fred go inside as Alexis, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy wait outside.

"Shaggy, Scooby I hear someone coming." Alexis says worriedly as she sees a guard coming.

"Yikes. What do we do?" Shaggy asks worriedly.

"Get Fred and Daphne's attention. I'll lure him away." Alexis says s she shifts to wolf form and steps out from behind the trailer and sees the guard before barking at him.

"What the? How'd this dog get back here? Come back here you mutt!" The man says as he chases Alexis as she runs off before being joined by the others as they come running.

"Get in!" Velma shouts as everyone gets into the van as Velma drives it away.

"That was close." Alexis says as she shifts to human form.


"Poubelle is running for office." Daphne says.

"That explains a lot." Velma says.

"He's using the vampire to get attention for his movement and boost his upcoming campaign." Fred says.

"Still. It isn't proof he's behind the vampire attacks. He's just using them to his advantage. This fog is like soup." Velma says.

"Maybe you should let me drive." Fred says.

"I'm good. Sort of enjoying it." Velma says before Lord Valdronya appears in front of the van causing everyone to scream before Lord Valdronya tries to grab Daphne through the sunlight window on the top of the van.

"Daphne look out!" Alexis shouts as she grabs Daphne to keep Lord Valdronya from pulling her out of the van.

"Brace yourselves!" Velma shouts as she goes down a dry river.

"That opening is too tight. We won't make it." Fred says in alarm as the group sees a bridge ahead before Lord Valdronya lets go of Daphne and flees.


Have Alexis run into Bram again and him have seen her shift to wolf form earlier when she was with her friends and him question her and her leave to find her friends as Scooby and Shaggy run by as Shaggy screams he's been bitten by a vampire as Bram tries to flirt with Alexis.

"That was way too close a call last night." Daphne says as she and Alexis are walking around the fair.

"I know. I'm just glad you're alright." Alexis says.

"Me too. Anyway Alexis I'm gonna go find Velma. We're gonna check out Poubelle again." Daphne says.

"Alright. I'll just do some sniffing around here." Alexis says.

"Gotcha. Come find me when you're done." Daphne says as she walks off before Alexis hears someone nearby and sees Bram.

"Well hello again beautiful." Bram says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Hello Bram." Alexis says.

"I didn't know you were a fellow creature of the night." Bram says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not a vampire." Alexis says nervously as she looks away.

"That's not what I meant. I saw you the other day. You can turn into a werewolf." Bram says as Alexis gives an annoyed look.

"Not werewolf. Wolf shifter. There's a difference. And please don't tell anyone. I don't like people know about it." Alexis says.

"Why? It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's who you are." Bram says as Alexis looks at him.

"Not everyone sees it that way." Alexis says.

"They're just afraid of something they don't understand. Of what's different from them. But not me. You and I are kind of alike where that's concerned." Bram says as he smiles.

"You're still a human." Alexis says.

"Maybe. But not for long I hope." Bram says as Alexis looks at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I want to be a vampire. Maybe I'll get my chance if this vampire decides to bite." Bram says.

"Don't get your hopes up pretty boy. I'm sure he's not real." Alexis says.

"Perhaps. We'll see then won't we beautiful." Bram says as he smiles at Alexis.

"I guess we will." Alexis says as she smiles.

"And don't worry. I won't say a word about your wolf. Besides I like a girl with a mysterious side to her." Bram says as he smirks.

"Oh." Alexis says as she smiles and blushes.

"Gah! I've been bitten by a vampire!" Shaggy shouts as he and Scooby-Doo run by.

"Not again. I gotta go. I need to go find my friends." Alexis says as she walks away from Bram.

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