Chapter Three Library Boys

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"Bye, Frankie." I hug her goodbye after tossing my empty boba cup. We've been sitting at the boba shop for at least an hour just talking, and I'm going to hang out with her and Jonah some time next week

Third wheeling isn't exactly my idea of a perfect summer, but it's better than wallowing in my room.

"Bye Y/NNNN." Frankie steps back and we walk out into the parking lot, blowing kisses at each other as we get into our separate cars.

I toss my bag into the passenger seat, and groan dramatically as the bag spills out and onto the floor.

I throw everything back into the bag and find two books that had been hiding there. In typical nerd fashion, I realize I need to visit the library.

I text my mom to tell her I'm making a quick stop and head to the library.

The librarian nods at me, as I'm a frequent customer. I used to study at a coffee shop by my house but people were too loud, and now I hide in libraries to study.

I gently push the books through the return slot at the front of the library and head towards the fiction, picking out a few that sound good.

A tad reluctantly, I grab a summer romance and add it to my stack.

I decide I want a calculus textbook since pre-cal went well last year and I want to get ahead over the summer. I scan the shelves with my eyes as I move towards the back of the peaceful building.

I finally spot a relatively new one that I want, but of course it's on the top shelf.

"Come here." I mutter to myself, pressing my already collected books against my chest and reaching up with my other arm.

I lean my chin against the shelf, raising slightly onto my tiptoes as I pick at the bottom of the book's spine. This is fucking ridiculous.

"Need some help?" A voice from behind me asks, and I see an arm reaching up and over me to the textbook. Without thinking, I turn around, and come face to face with a guy's chest.

"Shit." I whisper to myself.

The guy steps back and hands me the textbook. He's pretty cute, and I'd be lying if I said this isn't the dream situation to meet someone.

He seems to be waiting for something, and I realize I've been standing there. Embarrassing.

"Oh, uh, thank you." I add the textbook to my stack, trying to move so I can get to the checkout desk without being rude.

"Collin." He holds his hand out politely. I feel like a dick.

I take Collin's hand and shake it quickly, shifting my book stack to my other arm. "Y/N." I smile, trying not to be awkward.

"If you aren't in too much of a hurry, Y/N, could I get your number?" Collin asks. My hearts probably making my books tremble with how much I'm panicking. What's the harm? He's really cute and sweet and is in a library...

Man if only I could say "one sec" and text Axel before answering.

"Actually..." I feel worse upon seeing his hopeful face. Dammit, why'd his smile have to be so endearing? "No, I'm sorry, but I'm seeing someone."


I almost kick myself.

"Oh, that's alright." He shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles. "Nice meeting you Y/N."

"You too, Collin." I smile in return and resist the urge to smash my head into the bookshelf as I walk to the checkout counter.


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