🛫》8 - Explosion《🛫

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It started like a regular day me and mama did our things we went to go talk to the Vance guy and then we went to the station. I sat on my iPad on the floor next to mama's desk. That's when something feels wrong. I look up from my iPad and I look over at mama. "Mama somethings going to happen somethings wrong." I say to her looking at her, "what do you mean somethings wrong, sweetheart?" mama asks and that is when there is a high pitched noise and I cover my ears curling up on the ground. I whimper as the pain in my head gets worse. After a bit it stops and I keep curled up on the floor. I hated that, it made me overstimulated. "Vi? Violet are you ok?" Mama asks and I can feel her hand on my shoulder, "Violet you need to answer me." Mama says and I groan a bit and I sit up. That's when I notice blood is dripping from my nose, mama quickly gets up and puts something under my nose. "I didn't like it." I say to mama, "I know sweetheart." Mama says, and she helps me stand up and we walk to a hallway that is quiet and she helps me sit down. Jared comes walking towards us. "Hey, you both ok?" Jared asks seeing me on the ground, "yeah, it was nothing. Just a bad headache." Mama says to Jared, "that wasn't just a headache, Mick. Violet has a bloody nose. Let me help you." Jared says to mama, "it's not your fight Jared." Mama says as a phone starts to ring in her pocket and she takes it out looking at it. "Where did you get that?" Jared asks mama

"NSA guy. Vance." Mama says closing the phone and putting it in her pocket. "Vance, the guy who wanted me to spy on you." Jared says to mama, "he's on our side now."

"So he says." Jared says, "no, he's risking everything to help us. He's calling in a team." Mama says, "so where do we meet him? If that guys gonna be there you better believe I am coming with you." Jared says and mama looks annoyed, "I'll tell Vance you're joining. Warehouse in Red Hook. And next time I see your mom, remind me to ask her why her son is so damn stubborn." Mama says and she helps me get up and walks to her desk and sits me down. "You have to stay here for this." Mama says to me and I look at her confused, "why?" I ask her, "because you have to stay safe here." Mama says and I cross my arms and I huff a bit but I nod my head. She kisses my forehead and walks away from me with Jared. I take the iPad out of my backpack and I play some games on it before I see Cal walk in and over to me. "Come on we have to go." Cal says getting me up and I walk beside him. "where are we going?" I ask him as we catch a bus, "to help my dad." He says and I nod sitting on the bus until Cal says we have to get off the bus. We walk up to a warehouse and I see mama and Uncle Ben. "Dad! They're still here." Cal says and Uncle Ben rushes over to him and mama rushes over to me. "Cal, Violet, what are you two doing here?" Uncle Ben says to us and mama crouches down in front of me. "We had to come. I left mom a note." Cal says to Uncle Ben, "no you both cannot be here. This is crazy. How did you even--"

"We took the bus." Cal says to Uncle Ben, "No one knows where we are right now." Mama says and I lean on her and she hugs me and rubs my back. "I knew. It's like the subway tunnels dad." Cal says showing a picture to Uncle Ben, I don't really pay attention to the conversation because my headache is starting to come back and mama picks me up and holds Cal's hand going to the car

I snuggle close to mom and so does Cal waiting for everyone to come back out. Uncle Ben opens the car door and looks at Cal. "Where's Jared and Vance?" Mama asks Uncle Ben, "they went to go get Laurence with a couple of guys." Uncle Ben says to mama, "take Cal and Vi home. I'm gonna go check." Mama says getting out of the car and that's when I hear something loud and mama starts running towards it. I get out of the car and I run towards mama, "mama where are you going?" I ask running towards her and then I get blown back and I hit the ground hard. My ears are ringing and I whimper in pain. Everything hurts. I hear mama and Uncle Ben's muffled fighting. Where is mama? Where am I? Why isn't mama coming over to me? I hear the car pulling away and I open my eyes looking around. I'm behind something so they can't see me. I whimper in pain it hurts too much to move so I just lay where I am. I hope mama comes and gets me soon. I can hear sirens and I try and cover my ears, but it hurts so I just start crying. "Hey are you ok?" Someone asks me, "it hurts." I say to the person, "Ok, I'm gonna help you." The person says, "what's you name?"

"Violet," I say to the person, "nice to meet you Violet, I'm Claire. I'm gonna put this around your neck and then I am gonna flip you over, ok?" Claire says, "Ok." I say and she does what she says she is gonna do and I get put on a stretcher. "Violet? Violet! Oh my God what happened to you!" Mama says stroking my hair and I start to cry. She kisses my forehead and she gets in the ambulance with me. That's when spots start to come to my vision and I fall asleep.

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