🛫》3 - Own Your Truth《🛫

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Me, mama, and Cal are all at the fridge with the magnet letters. Call put something on the fridge spelled out and me and mama are looking at it trying to figure it out. "you can only use three new letters." Cal says and I look at the sentence, "Okay." Mama says looking at it, "What do you think, Vi?" I look at the sentence trying to see where I can add three new letters. "Cal. Bed. Let's go. Brush your teeth. I'll be right up." Aunt Grace says and Cal and I keep looking at the magnet letters. I don't have a bedtime I get to choose when I sleep, but I usually go to be when mama goes to bed because we wake up at the same time. "Three letters--no cheating." Cal says to us and I over at him for a second before I go back to the sentence. I hear a news reporter on the tv and I look over at it, listening to the tv. "Unconfirmed reports point to a murder investigation. In recent days, Taylor has been extremely candid, not only at her experience on Flight 828, but on her treatment by authorities since her return." I see all the grown-ups talking and mama starts to walk away. I walk after her following her. "Hey you should stay here with Aunt Grace and Uncle Ben." I cross my arms and I frown. I usually go everywhere with mama, I don't know why. It has to do with me I get scared when mama isn't around and it makes me have a meltdown. "Ok, fine. Get on your shoes and a jacket." I nod and put on my sneakers and a sweatshirt and I go and sit in the back seat of the car. Mama gets in the front seat of the car and she puts on her seatbelt. That reminds me that I have to put on my seatbelt also. She stares at the steering wheel for a while. Mama hasn't been able to drive since the accident with Aunt Evie. I sit in the seat swinging my legs back and forth looking out the window. "Hey sweetie, I'll be right back." Mama says and she gets out of the car walking back inside. I look out the window and then I look at the front of the car waiting for mama to come back outside. Mama walks back outside with Uncle Ben and he gets into the drivers seat and mama gets into the passengers seat and she hands me an iPad. "Olive says you can borrow it." Mama says and I nod a little bit as we start to drive. I look at the games on her iPad and there is no angry birds on it so I just play a random game that looks fun. "Okay, so, um, just remember when we get there stay in the car. I'll deal with it." Mama says to Uncle Ben, "no chance. This isn't uber. If I'm going there, I'm getting some answers."

"No, Ben, it's noticeable enough that we are 15 miles outside my jurisdiction, let alone with my civilian brother in tow." Mama says, I know I am staying in the car. I always do that when I am with mama in the police car. "Your civilian brother who helped you find two kidnapped girls. The cops are useless without us." Uncle Ben says and I look at him confused, "That does not make you a detective all of the sudden." Mama says raising her voice at Uncle Ben, "I'm at the center of this just like you. So is Cal and Vi. And Grace is scared. Rightly so. And I need to protect my family. If we're being targeted, I need to know who's coming after us and why."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I plan on finding out." Mama says, "I am not gonna be a bystander. You know me. I feel helpless enough as it is, cooped up at home stressing all day. At least you've had a job to go back to. I know I can contribute here, Mick. We're doing this together or I'm turning the car around." Uncle Ben says, "This is so off-the-charts out of line."

"They'll think I'm your partner." Mama looks over at Uncle Ben shocked and she sighs, "Not a word, ok?" Mama says to Uncle Ben and he holds up three fingers, "scouts honor. Guaranteed." Uncle Ben says and we drive up to the house and park. Mama looks back at me, "you know the drill. We'll be back soon." I nod and go back on the iPad playing all the games that are on it so I don't get bored


Me and mama are at the police station. Mama is sitting looking at her computer and I am on Olive's iPad. She let me borrow it again since she doesn't use it for school and I have a pair of headphones that I have borrowed also. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jared walk up to mama. They don't talk for a while before mama starts to stand up and she taps my shoulder. I take off my headphones and I follow mama out holding on to her hand. I see Uncle Ben leaning against the car. "Incognito much?" Mama asks looking back at the police officers at the corner. "Does this make me Starsky?"

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