🛫》7 - Heartbeat《🛫

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Mama wakes up earlier than usual today, which means I have to wake up earlier than usual. Which means my routine is off. I don't like that. I rub my eyes a bit and I groan. "Good morning sweetheart." Mama says and I groan again not wanting to get up. "Come on sleepyhead you have to get up now." Mama says pulling the blanket off of me. "It's not time to get up yet." I say closing my eyes, "we have to go to Aunt Evie's house before I go to work." Mama says to me and I whimper a bit, "I'm tired." I say whining a bit, "I know you are. You can sleep in the car." Mama says sitting me up on the bed. I rub my eyes a bit more and I get out of bed and I get dressed and ready to leave. Me and mama walk outside and so does Uncle Ben at the same time as us. "Early shift?" Uncle Ben asks mama, "no, I gotta swing by Evie's. Glen called. Beverly's not doing good." Mama says to Uncle Ben and I yawn a bit. "Oh, sorry to hear that. Give her my best." Uncle Ben says and mama turns around, "can we talk about your plan? What if somebody connected to the farm finds out that you're snooping?"

"How would they? It's the same as if I wanted to snoop on a dirty cop by joining the company the NYPD out sources its payroll to. Dirty Harry wouldn't have a clue." Uncle Ben says and I walk away from mama kicking a rock that is nearby and walking around bored. Mama walks up to me and takes my hand and we go to the car. I get in my booster seat and we drive to Aunt Evie's house.

"Thanks for coming, Beverly could use a friendly face." Glen says as we walk into the house, "how is she?" Mama asks Glen looking at him, "see for yourself." Glen says and mama hands him the flowers that we got at the store and she walks over to Beverly. "Hey I got you something." Glen says smiling at me and touching my shoulder. I tense up a bit, he's not on my list of people who can touch me. "What is it?" I ask and he comes back from the kitchen with the soccer ball. I smile and he hands it to me. "Thank you!" I say smiling and looking down at the brand new soccer ball in my hands. "Why don't you go play with it in the front yard." Glen says and I nod and take the soccer ball outside in the front yard and I kick it around. Before the plane I used to play soccer. Sometime me and Olive would be on the same team. I like soccer, but I like playing ice hockey better. I kick the soccer ball for a bit longer and then a car stops in front of the house and someone gets out walking towards me. This seems like one of the many kidnapping movies I have seen that mama doesn't let me watch, but I watch them in secret. I pick up my soccer ball and I walk towards the door of the house. "Hey sweetheart you were on Flight 828, weren't you." A lady says and I turn around looking at her and I nod. "You are a true miracle let me take a look at you." The lady says walking up to me and taking my hands. I try and pull them away but she is holding on to them tight. "You are a true gift from God." The lady says to me and I keep trying to pull my hands away from her. "God isn't real." I say bluntly to the lady and she frowns at me a bit. "Then how would a miracle like this happen to you?" The lady asks me and I shrug a bit. "Can you let go of me now?" I ask the lady and she keeps holding on to me, "not until you tell me about your miracle." The lady says and I try and pull away from her and I start to get frantic. I don't like strangers touching me. "Mama? Mama?" I yell out and I hear the door open and mama runs towards me. "Get away from her!" Mama yells pushing the lady away and she picks me up and walks inside with me. Once we get into the front hallway she sets me down and crouches down in front of me. "Are you ok? Did she hurt you?" Mama asks me and I shake my head no and I hug mama and I start to cry. "I know it was scary, I'm sorry sweetheart." Mama says hugging me back and rubbing circles on my back. "How about we get you a treat? Yeah?" Mama asks and I nod a bit. I let go of the hug and Mama stands up. "I should be getting to work we will see you later." Mama says and Glen nods a bit, "thanks for coming." Glen says and mama nods and we walk out of the front door and to the car. I get in my booster seat and I look out the window. "Are you ok love bug?" Mama asks me and I shrug a bit, "will you say it on your iPad?" Mama asks me and I shake my head no and she sighs a bit. We start driving towards the police station and I look out the window and when we get there I get out of the car and mama takes my booster seat out of the car and I get my backpack. We meet Jared inside and then we go back to the coffee stand and I put my hands on the counter trying to look over the counter. "Do you want a hot chocolate?" Mama asks me and I nod, we all get our drinks, "Hey, you free to come over for dinner tonight? Lourdes would really like to have you both over. Might be good for both of you to spend some time around some friends for a change."

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