Sorry | Matheo R. & Lorenzo B.

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Sighing quietly, I walk towards the large hall to have dinner. "Dear." Mattheo looks over at me and with a big smile, I run towards him.

"Theo," I greet him and he gives me a slap on the butt. "Where have you been the last few hours?" I ask him worried and look for blood on his face.

"I just snagged, don't worry dear." He calms me down and presses a kiss on my lips, but before I can reciprocate him, he detaches himself from me again.

"Hey." Enzo comes and puts an arm around my shoulders and presses a kiss on my apex. "Hi Enzo." I grin at him and lean against his shoulder.

"Theo, how are you?" Asks the brown-haired Slytherin and looks at Theo over my head worried.

"Why should he feel bad, Enzo?" I ask him worried and give Mattheo a reproachful look.

Enzo just sighs and shakes his head. "I'll apologize later, dear." Mattheo murmurs in my ear and an excited shiver runs over my back when I just nod briefly.

When we have finished eating, Enzo, Theo and I get up and run quickly into my room.

Mattheo presses his lips on mine and squeezes the air out of me so that I have to open my mouth.

He presses his tongue between my lips and I moan softly as Enzo begins to massage my breasts behind me.

Somehow we manage to lie down so that I lie with the back of my head on Enzo's upper body and Theo has his head between my legs.

The two of them undress me hastily and Enzo starts kneading my breasts and I sigh lustfully as he twirls my nipples.

Theo puts his mouth on my middle and starts licking me. After some time, he begins to move his tongue in me and how automatically I lift my pelvis to feel it deeper in me.

"Mhh do you like this excuse, dear?" Mattheo asks me and the vibration of his voice, triggers an uncontrolled twitch in me.

Enzo's - who still kneads my breasts - and my lips collide with each other and when he starts to growl softly at my mouth, my whole body tightens.

"Do you want to come, dear?" Enzo asks me with his sworn voice and I nod breathlessly.

"Then come for us." Answer Mattheo and his and Enzo's voice finally burst the tension in my stomach.

I start to move between the two, but Mattheo holds me dominantly at the waist and presses his tongue even deeper into my middle.

I scream when he suddenly breaks away from me and Enzo wakes me up on the floor.

Questioningly, I look at the two, then kneel in front of Mattheo and open my mouth but he just shakes his head.

"As much as I have this sight on dear dear, today it's all about you." He whispers and puts himself in the same position in which Enzo was just there.

The said man now has his head close to my middle and looks at me questioningly, because I know that he would not touch me before I have made it clear that I need him, I nod my head and his lips close around my pearl.

He lets his tongue go through my wetness and I moan on so Mattheo puts his head over my shoulder and takes my bud in his mouth.

The two of them suck and lick me until I come for the second and third time. After what feels like hours, the two break away from me and look at me lovingly.

"I love you." It breaks out of me and I quickly hold my hand in front of my mouth.


We are not so far yet. The two look at each other briefly and then start smiling.

"We love you too, dear." Says Enzo and Theo nods in agreement. Immediately I press my thighs together and feel the heat coming back.

"Come on. Let's put you to bed." Whispers Theo and lifts me up. I lie in his arms and sigh when he puts on one of the T-shirts of the two of them.

Enzo lovingly puts my blanket over me and then the two lie down to the right and left of me.

Immediately a question goes through my mind that I have asked myself more and more often in recent weeks.

"Enzo, Theo?" I start and I feel her hot eyes on me. "What are we actually?"

The two twitch their shoulders and Enzo puts his hand on my head and starts playing with my hair.

"I don't know, but let's just live in the moment and not think. Okay, dear?" Theo murmurs on my other side and pulls me into his arms.

With a weak nod, I fall asleep with a smile in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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