Decide | Lorenzo B. & Theodore N.

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,,Psst! Sierra! Wake up, it's Enzo!" I laboriously opened my eyes and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry for the disturbance but you can continue to sleep later!" He grinned tellingly and helped me out of bed into my slippers. My head didn't turn so terribly anymore and so I decided to run behind.

Enzo opened the door and promptly collided with Theodore, who apparently was about to come in. Or had he listened?

,,T-Theodore!" said Enzo and grabbed his chest. "Man, did you give me a heart attack. I've already prepared for thirty years of extra homework from Snape!" He laughed embarrassed.

Theodore nodded to him briefly.,,Wherever you go, I'll come with you! I won't let Sierra freeze to death!" He put his cloak, which I only now noticed, protectively around me.

I tried to hide my blush by wrapping my scarf tighter. Slowly the three of us ran across the courtyard and climbed the spiral staircase up to the astronomy tower.

The sky was covered with stars that I could not have seen from the windows in the hospital room. Enzo led me to the edge of the tower and I opened my eyes.

It was the beginning of April and the star stars flew across the sky.


I could see the stars reflected in their eyes. Now was the perfect time. I pulled my magic wand, mumbled the long-practiced saying and a thousand stars swirled around each other.

Slowly, very slowly they took shape and formed the name "SIERRA". I had completely outdone myself without self-praise.


I couldn't believe it. A tear flowed down my cheek and I completely lost the sense of time. Who knows how long we stood there when I slowly turned to Enzo.

,,Enzo.. That's wonderful!" He looked at me and smiled briefly. Then he looked at Theodore, who looked at us suspiciously.,,Sierra, we want you to decide! Between the two of us."

There she was again. The decision.

I sighed. "Can't we do that another-"

No, Sierra! Not another time!" Theodore interrupted me. "You're constantly postponing us. I don't feel like it anymore!"

I flinched and nodded hesitantly.,,I ..I love you both! You are each unique and I love exactly that about you!" My voice was crumbling and sad.

The two saw. They probably use legimistics, because suddenly they nodded to each other and a dirty grin scurried over their faces.

Enzo took my hands in his and looked at Theo. "Then we have to show her what we can do."

Like the blow, I was struck by the realization of what the two were up to. And although I was still a virgin and had no sexual experience, it punched expectantly in my midst.

Theodore looked at me seriously.,,Sierra? Do you want that?" I nodded without knowing what I was doing. Enzo went closer to me and pressed his mouth on mine. The kiss was fast and violent. I enjoyed it. His tongue stuck in mine and played around mine.

I could hardly detach myself from him and turned to Theodore. I practically threw myself on him and kissed him. His lips were cracked. Not as soft as Enzos. But they tasted like strawberries and I bit into them with pleasure.

He moaned and lifted me up in brewing style. Slowly the three of us lie or I was carried into the dormitory. Theodore laid me on his bed and Enzo began to undress. My mouth watered when I saw his tanned body.

I felt my nipples stand up and a shudder running over me. Theodore also threw his fluffy green sweater over his shoulder.

They both stood in front of me in boxer shorts and I could see the bulging areas. Theodore nodded to Enzo. "You can deflower them"Enzo nodded and climbed over me.

Slowly he took off my hoodie until I was only lying in front of him in underwear. He kissed my collarbone and drove slowly to my stomach. His fingers pulled off my panties and I curled with pleasure as he slowly drove into me. Only with one, then with two fingers.

He began to pamper me with his fingers and I moaned softly. When he started pulling his fingers out of me, I looked at him pleadingly. He put his fingers on my lips and winked.

He took off his boxer shorts and I look at his considerable length. I was a little afraid to take this cock in me but I was very excited.

He licked his fingers to moisten my center. Then he put his tip at my entrance. When he struck, I suppressed a scream. It only hurt briefly and I felt blood running out of me and seep into the sheet of the bed.

With slow thrusts, Enzo moved in me and unloaded a little time later. With a jerk he was torn aside by Theo. He began to defend me and sunk his tongue deeper and deeper into me.

I came to his tongue and trembled. He began to massage his cock and pushed into me. In contrast to Enzo, his thrusts were not gentle. He moaned softly and continued to fuck me at a rhythmic pace. He turned me so that I sat on him and rode him.

Slowly I became more courageous, and began to fuck him with hard thrusts. I felt him squirting in me. I wrote myself a note in my head for later to buy a contraceptive potion.

I was taken several times that night by both boys from behind, riding or from below. I came so often that I stopped counting. The next morning I woke up sweaty in my bed. I got up and immediately fell to the floor. My legs didn't go along and I breathed heavily.

A huge woolly T-shirt reached over my knees.,,Huh Sierra? I thought you were in the hospital wing?"

Pansy bent over me amused. "I'm sure your bed is more comfortable than the stone floor."


I was already sitting in the classroom and scribbling a little when my eyes fell on the door. Pansy supported Sierra, who was limping to her seat. I couldn't resist a grin. Enzo and I had done a lot of work.

When I thought about what she had said last night after our "adventure," I lost the grin. She mumbled when Enzo carried her into the room that her decision had been made.

It was Enzo. She didn't want to hurt me and still kept our friendship alive. I hadn't talked to her since then. I had to get over her and took a leave of absence for July and June.

But I accepted it and wished her a happy life with him. Whatever happened, I would love her forever. My beloved Sierra.

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