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A/N: Okay. In all honesty, I hate shopping. I don't know why I just do. So this might be kinda boring especially since I also don't go shopping very often. but still hope you like it!

"Evie. We need to go shopping." Emma says. I have been resisting, but she can't go alone and we have to. I groan.

"Emma, we have enough food." I try not to flop back down on the couch, knowing she'll take that as a sign of defeat. 

"It's not just food you know?" She raises an eyebrow.

We glare at each other for a good minute.

"FINE! I give up." 

"Good. Now let's go." She grabs my hand and drags me outside. The sun is too bright, the wind is too strong, and the noises are too loud. Stupid sensory issues. We drive to the store, and I have music blasting on my headphones to muffle everything else out. 

Finally we arrive. I hate how big the building is and how many noises and people there are but I know we have to.

"Okay. First food." Emma declares and then once again she starts dragging me. I don't say anything but it's pretty obvious I don't want to be there. Good for me the grocery section of the mall is quieter and smaller. It doesn't take to long before we have to leave though.

We go upstairs to look for clothes. That's when a new store catches my eye.

"Emma! Look! A new Hot Topic opened!" I say and this time I pull her over to the store. (Yes I like Hot Topic do not judge) We stay in there for a while, and I end up getting a bunch of nerdy emo pins and Emma gets a cute pink dress that has a simple purple flower pattern on it. I'm having more fun than I expected. We stop by the food court, which is painfully noisy but I live through it, and then we just look around a little more. 

It's already almost 8:00 o'clock by the time we leave.

"Did you finally have a good time?" Emma asks in a sing-song voice.

I shove her away laughing. "Okay. I'll admit, some of it was more fun than I expected but that doesn't mean I liked it." 

"Sure." She laughs. 

When we get home, we fall onto the couch and fall asleep watching movies. Maybe today was good. Well, at least some of it.

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