On a date

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A/N: Hey. Okay so just so you guys know this, this might not be that good. I've been going through a lot of emotional shit in the past few days, and I've been kinda brain-dead because of it. So, once again, sorry if it's not that good.

I was sitting in my living room reading a book, as usual, when the doorbell rang. I got up to see who it was and what they wanted. But when I opened the door I was shocked. It was Emma. One of my (only) best friends. Even though I had been crushing on her for a few months now.

"Hey." She says smiling. I feel my face heat up. "Um... can I come in?" She points inside tilting her head slightly. I just nod and move out of the way, afraid that if I speak, I'll say something stupid.

"So, um," She starts speaking after a moment of awkward silence. "I had a question."

"Um.... Sure. What is it?" I ask quietly.

"Do... you have any plans tonight?" I freeze. Was she... asking me out? I shake my head. "Okay, do you want to, uh, come have dinner, maybe?" I just stare at her, my face on fire. Finally I break out of my trance. 

"Yeah. Yeah that would be nice." I say, forcing a smile. She smiles back. We talk about more of the details, and as soon as she leaves, I run upstairs to find an outfit.

I was going out with Emma Laurson. This... was probably the best day of my life. 

I ended up choosing a simple suit. Nothing much. No bow-tie or tie or anything. Just the suit with the dress shirt. I was able to make my hair look better, (somehow) and find shoes, that aren't converse, that go with the outfit. And before I knew it, she was here to pick me up. I practically fell downstairs and broke the door off when opening it. 

There she was. And God damnit did she look good. She had a long, silver, sparkling dress that went down to her shins. Her hair was tied up in a bun instead of a braid, and she had put in contacts instead of wearing her glasses. She had silver eye-shadow on with some eyeliner and mascara. 

I. Was. Speechless. 

"Um... hi." She finally says. I couldn't talk. "You ready?" I just nod my head. We walk out to the car and I have not taken my eyes off her. She didn't know how badly I wanted to kiss her right now. 

We make it to the restaurant and HOLY SHIT. She really went all out. There were fancy chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and at least one candle at each table, which were draped with white table cloths. Wow.

I didn't know what to say. This was... amazing. 

"Thank you." I finally whisper to her. 

"For what?" She asks.

"Bringing me here."

She smiles. "You're welcome then."

We sit down at a table near the window, where I can see so much. We had been brought upstairs. She must have known how much I like looking outside. 

We talk and talk for what feels like hours. Probably because it was. It was everything I ever dreamed of. 

Then when we were leaving she smiled at me. Just a simple smile, but it said so much.

"What?" I asked.

"Could I... Could I kiss you?" She asks and my heart practically stops. We're just standing there for a minute, looking at each other, blushing. 

"Yes." I finally say. "Please." I grab the sides of her face and pull her into a kiss. It's perfect. I can feel her hands go to my waist, pulling me closer. We pull away to breathe after a minute. I'm still dumbstruck. 

"A-a-anyways." She says, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "We should probably go."

"Y-yeah." I stammer, I'm still frozen, until she grabs my hand. I follow her back to the car and smile all the way home.

A/N 2: Hi again. Like I said before i'm really sorry if it isn't good. Kinda brain-dead over here, and SO GOD DAMNED TIRED. But I tried my best for you guys. Anyways, anyone who is on break currently, hope you have a nice vacation, and anyone who isn't, well. I hope you have a good time of school/work. and everyone, I hope you have a nice life.

Random stuffOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara