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A/N: Hey peoples and non-peoples. Sorry if this is not correct on some stuff. I don't really do cosplay and don't know too much about it. My older sibling did it for a while, but even then, I didn't see that much. But, hope you like it! also btw, TW: anxiety attack

"Are you coming?" I hear Emma yell from downstairs. 

"Yeah just give me a second!" I call. We're going to the Comic Con. We've been planning for months and now, we're finally going. I had dressed up as a more non-gendered version of Hecate and Emma was Aphrodite. I was dying to see what she looked like. But my outfit was a simple black-ish grey-ish suit with a torch to carry with me because that was kinda her thing. My black hair was perfect for the role. And I didn't need props for the magic part. I could handle that on my own.

I pull my short hair back, trying to make a small ponytail, but it didn't work so I left it alone. I went downstairs and my breath caught in my throat when I saw Emma. God damnit she looked good. Her usual dark brown hair was now lighter, probably because of the sun, that happens sometimes, and had two pieces of hair pulled back behind her head in small braids. She had a long flowing chiton (a greek piece of clothing) that reached her chins. She didn't have any makeup on and she had contacts in instead of glasses. 

The second I reached her I pulled her in and kissed her. I feel her sink into it and wrap her arms around me pulling me closer. I eventually pulled away for breath. 

"Why did you do that?" She asked, a smile playing across her lips.

"Because you looks so fucking good." I say and she laughs. 

"Okay c'mon we're gonna be late." She takes my hand and drags me out out to the car. We sing along with Taylor Swift and Noah Kahan well we're driving.

When we make it it's ten times more than what I expected. It's in a giant building with a banner hanging in the front that says in bold letters; "TODAY!! COMIC CON!! 7:00 am TO 8:00 pm!!"

There are so many people in all sorts of costumes waiting out front, slowly streaming in. Oh god. I try and breath but there are so many people. I hate people. I mean, not hate hate, just. I don't like them very much. I also don't like the thought of hurting them. Then Emma squeezes my hand, and I feel the panic subside a little. 

We walk towards the entrance, and it takes a good twenty minutes before we're let in. There are a LOT more people inside and I feel an anxiety attack bubbling up. I pull Emma a little closer to me, trying to keep her near me. I think she can feel when I'm upset because she suddenly drags me to a corner and starts trying to calm me down.

"Hey. It's okay. Breath." She says calmly. I can't though. And I don't understand how she's so calm. "Hey. Look at me. Follow along with me. In....and out." I breath with her but it doesn't help, so I just collapse in her arms and try not to cry. But I can feel the tears in my eyes. I can't breath. Everything seems like too much. I can't.

Suddenly she's dragging me somewhere again. I look up and notice a sign that says: Artists Alley. What? I have no idea what that is, but I go with her willingly. She takes me over near a booth, that has a person sitting in a chair, they have a nose piercing, and angle bite piercing, and a lot of makeup. They have thick, square black glasses, and they're looking down at their phone.

That's when I notice the sign for the stand. It's a sensory store. It has fidgets and bracelets and so many other things lying out on the table. 

"Did you make all of these?" I ask. It seems like a stupid question, but they look handmade. All of it does.

They look up at me and smile. "Yeah I did. Did you need something hon?" They asked in a sweet tone. I point to a bracelet that says; Do Not Disturb out of little plastic beads.

"How much is that?" I ask, almost forgetting that I'm about to break down crying.

"Oh no. You can have it. You look like you need it more than I do right now. Just don't tell anyone okay?" They wink at us and I can't help but laugh a little. 

"Thank you." I say, now that the panic is gone, I can smile.

"Of course. Love the costume by the way. I'm guessing... a goddess?" They ask, putting their chin in their hands.

"Yeah, how did you know?" They just shrug.

"That much of a nerd I guess." We laugh.

"Hope you and your girlfriend there have fun!" I blink.

"How did you-" I start.

"I've got a gaydar sweetie. I can tell." I laugh. As me and Emma walk away, I slip on the bracelet, and then lean over and kiss her cheek.

She laughs. "What?"

"Did you purposely bring me over there?" I ask, smirking.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't. You'll never know." 




"I love you."

I love you too idiot."

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