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Everything's quiet.

There are no sounds that could disturb the moment.

The surroundings look nothing different than usual : a modest living room with family photos on the walls, and stuffed animals all over the floor.

A child is sleeping on an armchair, next to a large window that takes up half of one of the walls.

It's warm, with a comforter over his shoulders. He liked the quiet.

Suddenly there is a sound but there is nothing to be afraid about, so why does his heart start to pound as fast as the rain that starts falling outside ?

Another sound breaks the silence.

A flash.

He can see it reflecting on all the walls of the living room. He hears a key falling, he turns to face the big window, hearing a cry.

The night's suddenly cold. He is freezing.

He can't see anything, he just hears everything louder than usual. He screamed so much his throat hurt and he just can't do it anymore. He just sits there, holding tighter over and over the blanket, aware of every move, every flash, every single thing, wishing to disappear.

He hated the fact that he had to protect all the stuffed animals himself, but that it never seemed to be enough.


On the Saturday after the contest, the sun had decided to be a special guest, and he was more than welcome after these previous rainy days they have had to go through this week.

Han woke up as soon as he opened his eyes, almost jumping out of his bed. Felix finally answered his messages on Line yesterday by the end of the afternoon, telling him he just left his phone at home, wanting to be in his Creative mode to be more focused on the contest.

They agreed to meet today, and planned to go to an espace game in the city center, not knowing why they suddenly wanted to do that. They were in the mood for losing their patience with complicated enigmas they probably won't understand. But whatever, at least they'll spend the day and do a sleepover at Felix's house tonight, and they'll be together, which is all that matters.

After dressing up with a red shirt and blue jeans, Han walked to Felix's house, seeing his friend waiting for him at the front door and making big waves with his arms as if he was not the only one in the street, or maybe even in the town with flashy blue hair.

Han ran to meet him, hugging him tightly.

"Oh babyyy ! How are you ?"

He calmly smiled, patting his head.

"Calm down, how are YOU ?"

"Great ! Come on, we're gonna be late !"

He took his hand in his, feeling Felix jump a little. Han noticed and stopped, having the same hand covering his mouth.

"Oh sorry, I should have asked you."

"No no it's ok-"

Han stopped him with his palm.

"Nope. You deserve better !"

He then spun around as if he was remaking the scene.
This time, he offered his hand, bowing like he was a prince asking another for a dance.
Felix smiled, shaking his head and took it.


"Ay ! That's my line !"

They laughed. Han glances at Felix, observing his best friend seemed to be moved by what he just did.

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