Up to you

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Est 2045

"I really enjoyed tonight." I said as I looked Jerome over from head to toe. He was undeniably handsome. He towered above me and his smile was luring I was enamored by his nice dark skin and I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off him. "Well this is me I guess." I filled the silence gesturing my head towards the red front door of my condo.

"You gon let me in?" He replied letting a sly smile appear across his face. I mean the audacity of this man insinuating I would just allow him into my home on date one.

I laughed a bit at his response turning to put my finger print on the lock. I looked over my shoulder and replied, "ok but don't think somethings gon happen here cause it ain't." He chuckled and followed me inside taking it all in.

I was a bit embarrassed at the state of my condo. It was open concept and I had utilized drapes to separate the "rooms". "Maroon drapes? They clash with the rest of your decor." He spat looking around at the room.

"Oh really so now you're an interior designer? Tell me nigga how should I fix my shit." I replied rolling my eyes and sitting on my egg shell couch that had definitely seen enough of this life time.

He looked at me as if he was shocked that someone would even speak to him in that regard, but the way he licked his lips told me he liked it. "I'm just saying you got all this electric blue and green tech and then bam maroon drapes? I say take those down and embrace the open concept." He spoke as he walked around examining my book shelf. He did have a point, maybe I did need a change.

"I'll think about it. You like what you see?" I asked wondering if he was impressed at all with my taste in literature. He picked up a book smiling at it as he flipped through the pages.

"You know I once begged my mom for this, but we didn't have the money. When I got my first job I actually went out and bought it. Whenever I mention this book, the subject matter goes completely over peoples heads. As if it isn't such as easy concept. You fuck with time, it's gon fuck with you." He sat the book down looking at me waiting for my mind to be blown.

"Ah yes "The Time Machine", but I don't think time is fucking you. I think it's putting you right where you need to be." I retorted picking my book back up and placing it on my book shelf. His eyes slowly wandered up at me as he let out a slight chuckle.

"Ya know I should get going." With that he was gone. I stood there in disbelief, what did I say?

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