Act Two

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Est 2055

"The lab report is due tonight at 12 I'll be lenient if you submit before our next class, but please turn in your best work." I announced to my lecture of college students. Most of them are here because they need a credit in order to graduate, but there are some students that remind me why I applied to be a professor here five years ago.

After losing Jerome I felt it was necessary to put our project to a stop, but an opportunity to be a professor at Princeton opened up that following semester and Dr. June did everything to convince me I was perfect for the position. After a nice conversation over dinner, I could not decline her offer. It was also nice bumping into my sister from time to time since our busy lives always clash.

Once the students exited the room I grabbed my laptop and bag and walked out to my all white Lexus. It still amazes me how far technology has come, even as someone who studies the development of science and its relationship to technology in the modern world, I still look at todays society in amazement. To think Jerome and I were on the cusp of a groundbreaking study just four years ago makes me emotional.

As my car parked itself into my garage I turned on the charging pad it sits on and entered our.. well my home. It still doesn't feel natural existing in this space with out him. You would think after a while I would've stopped setting the temperature to the shower to his liking in case he decided to join me, creeping out of bed in the morning softly, setting out two coffee mugs, and the list could go on. Jerome and I tried to make as much time for each other as we could, but I wish I would've savored those moments a little longer. I regret suggesting we conduct research in different labs at first so we "wouldn't get tired of each other".

I sat down on my bed opening up my laptop to see my students lab reports projected above me as I reached up in the air picking each one. Before I noticed it was passed midnight. Just as I went to take my glasses off I received an email.

To: Professor Sails

From: Lydia Baker

Subject: Time Travel

Hello Mrs. Sails,

I was looking in the schools library and stumbled upon some of your research regarding time travel. It was quite fascinating, and I was wondering if you had any updates? I know others have tried to use your work to develop things further but to no avail. I'd love to come to office hours and discuss please.

Thank you,

Lydia Baker

My eyes lowered as I finished the email. I grew anxious to even give an answer. I had laid time travel to rest and I had grieved the loss of Jerome. Going back and having this conversation would just send me to a place I didn't want to be again. Yet, Lydia is a stellar student and deserves some sort of answer. I knocked back the last bit of my wine and spoke my response.

To: Lydia Baker

From: Professor Sails

Hello Lydia,

I am flattered that you read my research regarding time travel. I'm not sure if you know, but my late husband was also very involved in the research process. He was actually my partner and co developer of the study. I owe a lot of our progress to him. With that being said, I will meet you, let's do Thursday noon.

Time Heals Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum