Prologue part 1(A prince's death)

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Likewise, Y/n and Twilight fired their magic and countred the blast.

When the smoke settled the three powerful creatures of Equestria were left breathing heavily at the constant fighting they did.

Tirek: It appears we are at an impasse. How about a trade, Princess, Prince ?

He summons a bubble containing Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Discord.

Y/n and Twilight look in shock then in anger at what Tirek was suggesting.

Tirek: Give me your magic and I give you back your friends.

Y/n grit his teeth in anger, he wanted to buck Tirek's face so hard that it decapitates him. Oh how it's easier said than done.

He contemplated what he thinks he could do to fix this predicament. It was worth the shot, he could do it and finally take Tirek down once and for all.

But it will come with a terrible cost. Y/n reasoned that if it was for the safety of everypony he holds dear, he would do it.

But first, he had to make sure Twilight and the others were safe.

To think that he, a once introverted and defensive pony such as himself would care so much about others outside of his family.

Oh how the years can change somepony, right ?

Before Twilight could say anything, she was suddenly entrapped by the same bubble that her friends were in.

She looked back to see Y/n, with a stern face walking over to Tirek much to everyone's confusion.

Rainbow Dash: Y/n! What the hay do you think your doing ?! Get away from him!

Fluttershy: Y/n, don't!

Applejack: Don't you take another hoofstep Mister!

Rarity: Darling, don't go anywhere near that brute!

Pinkie: Y/n, please don't!

Twilight: Y/n ?

He gnored them all and instead stared down the demon centaur who grinned, believing Y/n had turned traitor and was giving Twilight's magic to him.

However that was not the case.

Y/n: Tirek! Remove my friends and my mare friend from this area. You may take my magic but you must leave them be. We settle this! Ponyo a......I don't know demono ?

Tirek: Ha! And what makes you think I'll accept this deal ?

The Prince of Seasons smriked, things were going according as planned.

Y/n: If you win, you get revenge on the pony who cut your eye, all those thousands of years ago.

Tirek's one good eye widened as he looked at Y/n with a shocked face. He didn't realize it at first, but there was no denying.

Y/n was the son of the pony who slashed his eye and blinded him for all eternity. He blew smoke from his nose in anger seeing the pony that permanently physically and mentally scarred him.

Tirek: Fine. But know that this fight will be to the death.

Now afraid for their crush, the mane six yelled out for Y/n to stop the deal before it was too late. Even Discord tried to stop him, not wanting to see him die so early on.

Y/n: heh, I was going to say the same thing.

The bubbles holding the mane six disappear along with the mares and the spirit of chaos leaving only Tirek and Y/n at a stand still.

The Prince of Seasons (Equestria girls X Male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora