◇part 14◇

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Janan was sitting on the balcony and was lost in her thoughts. She closed her eyes and mumbled, "What you have done with me Raminah." She opened her eyes and was staring at the night sky.

She was lost in her thoughts when her phone buzzed it was Ramin's text,

"Why are you still awake Jan?"

She panicked and got up she then roamed her eyes to search for Ramin but he was nowhere she texted him,

"Tell me where are you?"

"Look back, princess."

She quickly turned and saw Ramin sitting on her bed while a smile was plastered on his face. Janan greeted her teeth in anger and went close to him she then said in an angry tone, "What are you doing here? Do you wanna get beaten up by me huh?" He kept his index finger on his lips and shushed her, He then got up and went near her ears he then whispered, "Be a good girl don't make noise." She rolled her eyes, Ramin's actions and words were making her angrier she then made a fistball and punched him in his stomach.

He backed off while holding his stomach, he hissed in pain and said, "Yahh Jan you're so cruel." She sighed and said, "How dare you come into my room huh? What have you thought of yourself, My honour, my respect doesn't matter to you ha?"
Ramin was staring into her eyes with a lost look he then said,
"I love you Jan." She looked at him and said, "Tell me what I don't know."
He chuckled and closed his eyes he then said, "I am going abroad for a month."

Janan's heartbeats got fast she let out a heavy sigh and said, "So what?" He gulped down the saliva and went near her, stood at a safe distance and said, "Pray for me that it will not get hard for me to live without you." She nodded then Ramin said, "Will you miss me, love." She looked away and tears left her eyes she then said, "It will be better for us to know that we have to live without each other."

Ramin sighed and took out a box from his pocket he then said in a dominating voice, "Look at me Jan."
She looked at him he handed her the box, she looked at the box and asked, "What is this?" He smiled and said, open it when you'll be ready to marry me." She frowned her eyebrow and said, "But.." he cut her off and said, "Sushh don't ask anything just do what I said hmm." She looked into his eyes and licked her lips she then said, "You should go now."

He was staring at her face and said, "Let me admire you for a while." She closed her eyes and said, "Ramin Go." Tears left his eyes and he said,
"Fi amanillah" She opened her eyes and looked at him and didn't say anything Ramin lowered his head and was leaving then Janan asked, "How do you come here?" He looked at her and pointed at the window beside her bed. She looked at him with wide eyes he then said, "I was sitting here for 15 minutes but you were so lost in your thoughts."

She bit her lips, her stomach filled with butterflies she then said, "Dear Moron you're crazy." He chuckled and left.

. . .

A half month passed and Ramin still hadn't come from abroad. He was sitting on the corner of his bed holding Janan's bandana, he kissed and mumbled, "Will you trust me Jan when I said that I cried every night because I missed you." Tears were flowing from his eyes he then placed the bandana near his heart and said, "I am a yearning for you Jan."

Meanwhile, Janan was sitting on her balcony caressing the locket Ramin gave her she then said, "I can sense you're not fine Min." She wiped her tears and was breathing heavily she then said, "Whenever I feel you're not fine I feel suffocating." She rested her head on the chair and looked at the full moon, she smiled remembering how they both were admiring the moon together she then said, "You asked me will I miss you? Look at me Ramin I am dying without you."

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