◇part 9◇

151 13 4

"Seni seviyorum.'

                             .   .   .

                     Ramin's POV:

As I watched Janan, I couldn’t help but enjoy her flustered reaction. She turned to me and asked, “How do you know Turkish?” I flashed a smile and responded, “I’m from Turkey, princess. My family moved to the US when I was six years old.”

She raised an eyebrow, a look of curiosity on her face. “Ahan, you know I love Turkey,” she said.

Her response made me smile even wider. “That’s why you’re obsessed with tea,” I teased. She chuckled and nodded, clearly amused by the observation.

The wedding ceremony began, and Janan’s attention was entirely focused on the proceedings. Meanwhile, I was completely absorbed in watching her, my gaze lost in admiration. Suddenly, she lowered her eyes and murmured, “Astaghfirullah.” I glanced at the stage and saw the bride and groom sharing a kiss. I chuckled softly and mumbled, “My pious woman.”

Turning to Janan, I asked, “Is kissing not permissible?” Her innocent look was almost heart-melting as she explained, “Before nikah, it’s Haram, totally prohibited. But after nikah, it’s different. Even a smile towards our spouse is considered a good deed and earns us blessings.”

Confused, I asked, “But they’re married, right?” Janan’s smile remained gentle as she clarified, “This isn’t how nikah is conducted. In Islam, they aren’t considered married yet.”

I nodded, still a bit puzzled, and turned my attention elsewhere.

Once the ceremony concluded, Janan went to comfort Bella. I followed, noticing Bella in tears. I approached them and, with a gentle tone, asked, “Jan, why are you crying?” When Janan didn’t respond, Bella interjected, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.”

I sighed in relief and said, “Congratulations, Bella. May you always stay happy.” Bella smiled through her tears and replied, “Thank you, Ramin.”

Bella and Jake then got into their car, heading off to the resort. Janan kissed Bella’s forehead and said, “Fi amanillah.” She then climbed into her car and waved goodbye. As they drove off, I turned to Janan and asked, “Baby, why were you crying?”

Her eyes, now filled with tears, met mine as she said, “Min, she’s disobeying Allah, and it’s hurting me deeply. She doesn’t understand the consequences of her actions, the punishment of the grave. She’ll be alone and must answer to Allah for her deeds.” Her sobs tore at my heart, seeing her so distressed.

“Look at me, Jan,” I said softly. When she met my gaze, I continued, “You said Allah listens to your prayers, right? Then pray for her, and everything will be fine.” As tears continued to fall, she nodded, saying, “I will, I will pray for her.”

I smiled reassuringly and blew her a flying kiss. “My precious baby,” I said. She managed a chuckle through her tears, her nose scrunching up adorably, which I found irresistibly cute. “Such a cutie,” I thought to myself, a smile tugging at my lips.

“Jan, let’s go home now,” I suggested. She hummed in response and then said, “I brought my car; I’ll drive it.”

I pouted slightly and said, “Okay, let me walk you to it.” She nodded and made her way to her car. As I saw her vehicle, my mouth fell open in admiration. “Woah, that’s hot,” I exclaimed.

Janan chuckled, and Zahra, peeking out from the glass window, said, “Ramin, your Janan is obsessed with this car.” I smirked and replied, “It’s obvious.”

WINNER OF HEART♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя