◇part 4◇

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"I love you, my beloved Ramin."

Janan got up and performed wudu, as it was time for the Asr prayer. She emerged from the bathroom to find Ramin still asleep. Smiling, she murmured, "Such a baby." As she began her qiyaam, Ramin woke up and saw her engaged in Salah. He approached her quietly, his eyes brimming with tears, and whispered, "Forgive me, my love."

Janan, doing her best to hold back her tears, completed her sujood. Ramin's gaze was fixed on her, captivated by her grace. Meanwhile, Janan prayed for his guidance as she bowed in prayer.

After Janan finished her Salah, she noticed Ramin's tear-filled eyes. She offered a gentle smile and said, "Ramin, forget about the video; I trust you." Overcome with emotion, Ramin collapsed onto the floor, his head bowed.

"Ramin, do you want to see your princess cry?" Janan teased softly.

He looked up at her, his eyes filled with sincerity. "You are my lifeline, my beloved princess."

Janan's heart warmed at his words. She rose, retrieved the Quran from her cupboard, and sat back on her prayer mat. As she began to recite, Ramin reached for it, but Janan called out, "No, Ramina, you can't touch it without doing ablution." Ramin chuckled. "My baby shouted at me for the first time," he said with a smile. Janan, exasperated, responded, "I can't with this man."

They both laughed.

As Janan recited the Quran, Ramin watched her intently, feeling a profound sense of relief and peace wash over him. After she finished, he asked, "What is this book?"

Janan explained, "It's the Quran, the book that came from Allah for guidance. It contains all the answers to our questions."

Ramin's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Can I read it too?"

Janan's smile broadened. "Yes, but you must perform ablution first."

"Can you teach me how?" he asked eagerly.

"Of course," she replied brightly. "Come with me." Janan led him to the bathroom and began to explain the steps for ablution.

"First, wash your hands three times, then clean your mouth by rinsing with water three times. Next, clean your nostrils by inhaling water into them three times. Wash your face three times, then your forearms up to the elbows, starting with the right arm. Wet your hands and pass them over your head, then clean your ears with your fingertips. Lastly, wash your feet up to the ankles, starting with the right foot."

Ramin followed her instructions meticulously. Janan watched with a smile, silently praying, "My beloved Allah, guide him." As Ramin completed the ablution, he felt a profound sense of tranquility, and his heart was calm.

They emerged from the bathroom together.

"Baby, I need to go now," Ramin said. Janan blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment, but Ramin teased, "Don't hide it, love." He smirked, and Janan, feeling flustered, responded, "Go now."

Ramin laughed, giving her a playful flying kiss as he headed out. Janan's eyes widened, and she muttered, "Astagfirullah." Ramin chuckled and left.

"You're the cure for the pain you caused," Janan whispered to herself.

As Ramin drove to his office, his phone rang. It was Zahra. "Ramin, I didn't make it to the hospital today. Can you please drop Janan off at her house?"

Ramin smiled. "Of course. Is Janan afraid of something?"

Zahra sighed. "She has trouble trusting men, so she's a bit anxious."

Ramin, grinning, replied, "Alright, I'll drop her off."

"JazakAllah," Zahra said before hanging up. Ramin thought about Janan's earlier trust in him, "It means my baby only trusts me."

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