Chapter 7: We're Home Pallet Town

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Chapter 7: We're Home Pallet Town

September 10th 2021, 9:35 AM - United States of America, Kanto, New York - Ketchum Mansion

Yet another, warm and sunny autumn day had arrived around the world, as the wild Dodrio and the other flying type Pokémon were signing their melodious wake up calls, the residents of New York, humans and their Pokémon, were just waking up and were getting ready to go to work or sent their children to the day care or just to sent them to school, as others were just experiencig the first sun rays, as people were taking a walk with their families, young couples were on a casual date, or Pokémon trainers from other regions, countries and towns were crossing through Kanto to go to Unova, either to challenge the gyms, or if they already collected enough points, and were already in a good ranking position on the World Ranking List, they were eligible and able to partake in this year's Pokémon Conference League in Vertress City, Unova, the place where the Pokémon League Conference in Unova takes place, annually

These trainers that are challenging the Pokémon League, either for the first time, or re-challenging it, have trained tirelessly day in and day out, but only the trainers who are good at coming up with tactics, and trainers who have a good relationship with their Pokémon, usually these are the types of trainers to go further in the Pokémon League, but not to say, that there are always going to be surprises

Just yesterday, students of the prestigious and elite Indigo Academy, or as it is otherwise known as 'The Academy', by its students and staff, along with other Pokémon academies around the world, have gotten their final results of the 'Pokémon Trainer Test', that all students have taken, and there were some surprises in the test, while some students who were known by their peers and teachers, to pass the test, indeed passed it, but the surprise that i'am talking about, is that students who weren't expected to pass the required threshhold of 50-90 %, somehow managed to do the impossible, and now these students are preparing to go on their own journey or with their friend's around the world, to explore the world and it's wonders

Now, among the trainers that passed the 'Pokémon Trainer Test' with a 'clean sheet', so to speak, are four particular young and upcoming Pokémon Trainers, and their names are Ash, Dawn, Calem and Serena, now, these four were bestfriends since first meeting each other at the Pokémon Summer Camp, that was hosted by the esteemed and respected Pokémon Professor, Prof. Oak, these four trainers, kept their friendship as they grew, and as time went on, their friendship only grew stronger, leading the four of the friends, to enroll at the same Pokémon academy as their parents did when they were young and their age

We now, head down 'Miltank St.', where the house of the Ketchum family is located, along with the houses of the other well known families of New York, each child of the other family went to the same Pokémon Academy as the other children too, with each of their dreams being different from one another, with some aiming to be the next World Champion, Monarch, League Champion, Top Coordinator, Kalos Queen, Pokémon Gymnast and with determination they just might reach their dreams and goals, that they've set their eyes on and achieve the glory, that so many have done before them, we now head inside the Ketchum Mansion and begin to head upstairs and go to the direction where the families bedrooms and their guestroom are located and where the Ketchum siblings Ash, Dawn and Calem Ketchum and their best friends from childhood Serena and Alain Zay-Yvonne sleep, the three Ketchum siblings invited both Serena and her big brother Alain Zay-Yvonne to stay at their home and then the three would leave together tomorrow on their journey, which is today, in order to start their journey, and along the way, they then will be joined by Brock, the Pewter City gym leader

"Good morning Mrs. Ketchum!" Serena says

"Good morning Serena, and please don't call me Mrs. Ketchum, please call me Delia, Mrs. Ketchum just sounds too formal!" Delia says

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