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Milo POV.

'Hand the baby over,' I heard a very familiar voice say in my head, I wasn't awake, but I wasn't fully asleep either, I was somewhere in between, my brain was working full speed, and I couldn't really sleep or wake up, when the sun rises we're going to start hunting our mate, the one who rejected us, the one who doesn't want us, but I'm still worried about how it would affect her.
What if Stella could still feel him? What if the bond wasn't fully broken, what if there was some still left inside of her and it hurts her, what if it kills her? What if...

'What if you give me the baby,' the voice says again, I know I wasn't fully awake, but I knew I was holding her, she hugged me tight when she went to sleep and I didn't let her go, I kept on hugging her until now.
'James?' I say confused, that's the voice, he's the one that could talk to me in my head, the Duck can do it too, but I doubt he'd be the one asking for Lil-Star in the middle of the night.
'You've been holding her most of the night, we need to be up in one hour, I want my chance too,' James whines.

'She likes me,' I say, but I let her go, she was like a worm in bed, she doesn't stay still, she keeps moving, she keeps turning and tossing, hence why I hold her whenever we sleep next her in bed or she'd end up pushing us off the bed in no time.
'I'm her wolf too,' James says as he holds her now, she whines at first but after a couple of seconds and guessing who's the one holding her she relaxes.

I know she called me her favourite, she's been doing that since the days she was with Theo as well, but his jealousy and refusal to share her placed everyone in danger, what if they too got too jealous and tried to hurt her or hurt me, I don't mind them hurting me, but her, she's the little one, I'd kill anyone who'd might hurt her.
'Shut up, I love you, not going to hurt you, now get back to sleep,' James groans in my head, it's so quiet, and I'm thinking loudly like we told Stella, she thinks too loudly and we could hear her as well.

'Fine, what about the other wolf?' I say still wanting to overthink this whole thing, unable to sleep.
'Scotty is a lover and not a fighter, he'd die from fear before hurting any of us, now sleep and let me sleep,' James ordered me.
"Shut up, you thinking too loud," Lil-Star says cuddling closer to James and then going back to sleep.

I did shut up then and I tried to sleep, tried to stop thinking, the more I think the more that would keep them awake, and we're going to have to get up in an hour and thirty minutes now, I tried to not think, I tried not to think, I finally got too bored that I fell asleep, I woke up to James shaking me awake, telling me it's time to go.
"Hunting time," James whispers to me with a big smile on his face, he goes toward the bathroom first getting ready while I manage to wake up, Lil-star and the Duck have managed to cuddle together and are sleeping peacefully.

"My turn," I say when he left the bathroom, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and tried to put my game face on, I had to keep Stella out of my head today, she can't read our minds, but good thing is the distance would help us.
I got dressed and we started setting the car, it took us too long to get here, but then we had the Lil-star and we had the brother and Calesti following us, we had to obey the traffic rules but not anymore.

We packed the car with weapons, we're not crazy, we know if he's with vampires, they'll be using more than just their fangs, and we're not going on a suicidal mission, it's an observation mission first, find him scout him, watch their numbers, and then we'd decide our next move depending on it. Along with our weapons, we went with cameras, binoculars, and even hunting spray to hide our scents from far away from them.

"You two ready to go?" Alpha Elijah asks us, we have borrowed a car from him, a much faster one than the one we came in.
"We're ready," I answer him.
"I'm sending one of my people along with you," he says and I shared a look with James, we didn't want anyone to be there with us.

"We don't need you, you don't have to," I tell the alpha.
"Here's the deal guys, you're both alphas and you both are connected to a soul, she's your Luna now," he says and we both nod, what is he getting to?
"Yes, we know that alpha, thank you for telling us," James says with way too much sass for people who are talking with an alpha.

"Oh, you don't even know what you're going into even, the Luna is the one who bounds you to earth, the one who you'd burn the whole world for, but the Luna isn't as easygoing as you think they are," he says.
"We know she's not an obeying puppy," I say, she has a mind of her own.
"None of the Luna is, no matter how much they look like it, we're family now, and let me tell you they aren't that obedient, and as alphas we pick our fights, and Raphael wanted to be sure that you'll be safe, and that included sending someone from my pack with you, and that's a fight that I'm not willing to take," he says.

"You got a point," I say with a sigh.
"Is your guy good or should we accidentally forget him in the gas station?" James asks.
"I sent you one of the best out there," Elijah says.
"Then we'd keep him along, thank you alpha," I say ready to leave finally.
"You're welcome, and please get me back my enforcer, he's a good one," the alpha orders us.

The enforcer the one we've been talking about was standing right behind us, looking at the three of us sharing the conversation about him like he wasn't there, he didn't look like he cared at all, used to the alpha and their antics.
"What's your name?" James asks him.
"I'm Olli, nice meeting you alphas," he says shaking hands with the both of us.

"Nice having you over with us today, ready to go mess with some vampires?" I say with a smile on my face.
"Messing with vampires is one thing that I live for," Olli says with a smile on his face.
"Let me guess, you haven't found your soul yet?" James asks him.
"I didn't, but I'd love to find them one day, hopefully soon," he says with a dreamy look.

"Should I tell him that once he find his soul, he's not going to be able to go and mess with vampires, the soul would have his ass for it," Jmaes says lauhging at him.
"I'm the one in charge and not them," Olli says and I rolled my eyes at him, we're alphas and we're worried about hurting our soul, or being too mean to her, being that cold and hard on the soul would end up in hurting them, and we'd do anything to keep them happy and safe.
"Yes, you're going to be worried about their feeling, about keeping them happy, you'll change, you won't even try to, but you would do anything for them," I say.

"Our alpha was a jerk, then he met Luna Raphael, and even the Luna was a jerk, still a jerk sometimes, but the alpha didn't change he's still the same person," Olli says.
"It's only the part of him that you see, you don't see everything behind closed doors," James says.
"You can show the world what the world wants to see, but you do what makes you feel good and make your soul happy," I say.

"Until my soul gets over here we'll be good taking over vampires, what's our plan?" he asks ready for the action.
"We're not attacking, we're scouting, we're taking notes, we want him , the vampires wouldn't give a fuck after he's gone, their fight isn't with us," I say.
"They have an old grudge against me," James remind me.

"They can't attack you, you're with two packs now," I growl.
"Three if you count our pack," Olli says.
"You know about my story?" James asks him.
"Alpha James, you're a legend, fuck, all three of you are legends, no one has ever heard of two alphas sharing a soul, and now you got Scotty, he had a cute ass, did you have to take him," Olli groans.

"He's ours now," James growls at him.
"And I'm only here for the vampires, you can have him," Olli says raising both hands up, I was driving, I was driving like a crazy person, I didn't stop, I didn't slow down, the car speed was amazing and with the wolf reflexes, I managed to drive without making any kind of accidents.
"Are we there yet alpha? Alpha James is scaring me," Olli asks me, although he's sitting in the back ever since he has commented on Scotty's ass, James been giving him the death glare.

"James, let him go," I say parking the car, we're not home yet, we're far away, but that's far enough for them to be around, if they are looking for Lil-star, they would be somewhere around here.
"Get the spray all over you, maybe if I can't smell you, you'll have a chance in pushing your death until this evening," james warns him.
"We're looking for vampires and a wolf, don't fight, don't touch, just find, and watch," I warn Millo getting ready to start scouting for them.

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