Chapter 1| New job

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*??? Pov*

Its been 3 years my dearest Natan. Damn. Where have you been? What did you do for me to lost all contact towards you? How are you doing right now? Oh how I missed you so much... *The man said to himself as he took a sip of his whiskey*

Come back to me please... *The man whispered softly as he wiped his tears that he didn't even noticed escaped his eyes*


*Natan's pov*

Natan signs as he got rejected in his job interview... Again... He's been jobless for a week now because of some... Uhmm...


"May I take your order sir?" Natan asked the customer as he settle in their seat.
"Of course you can..." the man said as he grabbed Natan's butt. Well, lets just say he punched the customer and he got fired due to his boss caring for his business name more than his workers.

*End of flashback*

In the moment, Natan is having a hard time finding a new job since his jobb interviews either went downhill or he met some more perverts.

He is currently walking to his apartment to take some rest until he overheard some people talking about an open slot in the most famous company in their country. Its still a mystery how that company arises from being bankrupted to being the biggest company ever. Rumors says the old CEO of that company sold his soul to a demon. Creepy. While the others says that the current CEO just have some really good business strategies.

After hearing this, Natan ran towards his apartment and quickly unlock the door and enter as he immediately opened his computers to make an application in the said company. He was lucky enough to be able to apply quickly and all he needs right now is the confirmation from the company then all he have to do is too pass the interview... Seems easy right?

After what felt like forever of looking in his computer screen waiting for an notification from the company, the ice cream headed man almost given up but then suddenly, he got the notification he was waiting for. His face lighten up as he saw his application has been confirmed. All he needs to do is to pass the job interview next.

Some hours later, Natan is lying on his bed while staring at the ceiling. He cant sleep due to his excitement and nervousness. This is his only chance to make a change in his life. After a few more minutes, Natan's eyes finally gave up as he doze off to sleep peacefully...


*The next morning*

*FVCK!* Natan cursed himself as he woke up late for his interview. He quickly brushed his teeth and grabbed his jacket as he ran off his apartment taking a taxi to take him to the company he's going. After a few minutes of regretting staying up late, he ran to the entrance of the company but was blocked by the guard.

"Why are you here?" The guard said in a stern tone as he look down at the ice cream headed man. "I-I'm here to take the job interview..." Natan spoke nervously as he tried to compose himself. On the other hand, the guard moved away the entrance and let Natan in. Meanwhile, Natan let out a sign of relief as he entered the company.

On his way to the interview room, he cant help but be mesmerized with the designs and interiors of the company in the inside. There's some cat plushie on the sofa in the lobby, some artworks hanging in the wall and even an ice cream maker near the coffee maker.  What a coincidence that almost everything he likes is a part of the interior of the company...

Or is it?

As he reached the interview room, he was shocked to see how long the line is. Damn, did he really underestimated the company's popularity? What are the chances for him to get chosen? These kinds of questions clouded his mind as he went in line.

After a while of waiting, the line doesn't seem to move due to the amount of people wanting to be a part of the company making natan almost lose hope but then suddenly a tall woman wearing glasses handed him a paper.

"You're hired." The woman said as she walked away and makes an announcement for everyone else in the line to go home. The hallway then got filled with disappointment as a lot of them went in early just for the interview only for them to got nothing. On the other hand, Natan seemed confused and asked the woman how he got accepted even though he didnt even got interviewed yet.

"It doesn't matter. You can start your job tomorrow. Dont be late." The woman spoke as he walk away from Natan.


*??? Pov*

"Is this all the participant in the job interview?" The man asked his secretary with a cold tone as he examined the data from the people who applied for the job interview

Well... About that sir, there's one more participant who hasnt showed up get... I suppose to say he's late.
*The secretary replied as she hand the man the papers about the guy who's seemingly late.*

The man was immediately shook as he saw the guy on the paper.
"Natan?" The man said in shocked tone as he examined the details in the paper carefully. 

His secretary was then confused with his boss sudden behavior so she asked him.
"Whats the matter sir? Do you happen to know him?" The secretary asked while the man simply ignored her and quickly signed the paper with no hesitation.

"He's hired." The man said in a stern tone while his secretary looked at him in shock and confusion

"But sir he-" The secretary was cutted off by the man's stern reply.

"He's. Hired." The man said not even bothering to look at his secretary.

The secretary only signed and bowed down as she went outside to look for the guy on the paper wondering why the boss seems so interested with him.

*end of flashback*

*back at natans pov*

"What kind of luck possessed me today? It doesnt matter. This will be the start of my new life." Natan spoke in his mind as he walked home.

To be continued.

(Damn 1060 words ->- this is my first time writing a story so please dont judge me my grammar)

A love, so deep (Aamon x Natan Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora