Mile is Happy

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After placing all his shopping bags in the back seat of the car, Mile settled into the front seat. He had gone shopping alone, as Apo was busy with his shooting crew. The shooting location was a bit far from where they were staying. Mile would have gone back to their hotel room. 

However, Mile was experiencing intense back pain caused by Apo's accidental kick that morning. Due to his delayed start from being tied up the night before, Apo was running a bit behind schedule. Apo had resorted to kicking him out of bed when Mile wouldn't wake up, leading to another painful blow to his backside.

"Are you okay?" Build asked with genuine concern upon noticing the discomfort in Mile's expression. Despite trying to smile softly, Mile couldn't hide the extent of his pain.

"I'm alright. How much longer until we get there?" Mile inquired, as Build drove them out of the shopping area and onto the main road, navigating the turns carefully.

"Probably about an hour, traffic seems light today," Build estimated. Mile responded with a hum, trying to relax in his seat despite the discomfort in his lower back and buttocks. He shifted his position, leaning the car seat back in an attempt to find a more comfortable posture.

Noticing Mile's discomfort, Build reached for the lever that allowed the car seat to recline. As the seat adjusted, providing some relief for Mile, he expressed his gratitude. 

"Thanks, just feeling a bit sore from the long flight," Mile fibbed, attributing his discomfort to the journey rather than the chaotic night with Apo.

"Well, it's not just the flight that's tiring, right? Staying with Apo in the same room must have worn you out mentally and physically," Build remarked, leading Mile to give a wry smile. He realized that Build might have misconstrued his and Apo's situation in a negative light.

"I don't follow," Mile replied, curious about Build's assumption. As they cruised down the empty highway, Build increased the speed slightly, hinting at a desire to have a candid conversation.

"He must have kept you up all night, tossing and turning," Build remarked, understanding the source of Mile's exhaustion.

"Yeah, that's why I asked you to bunk with me," Build responded with a soft hum, relieved that Build didn't seem to suspect anything beyond Apo's disruptive sleeping habits. Apo had made it clear that their relationship was meant to be kept private.

As they pulled up to their destination, it was time for lunch, and the staff gathered together to eat. Mile scanned the room, searching for Apo among the crew members. Just as he was about to voice his query, Build interjected, directing his attention to a red door in the corner of the room.

"Apo's in the room beyond that door," Build pointed out. Mile expressed his gratitude and made his way towards the door. Upon opening it, he found a young woman who appeared to be one of the actresses on set. Without exchanging greetings, Mile stepped inside to locate Apo.

"Sophia, that's all. Go back and rest a little. Have some lunch. That's it for now," Apo dismissed her quickly. I settled down next to his chair as he put a plate in front of me, serving a very delicious-looking meal. Despite having already eaten my lunch, the tantalizing scent made me hungry once more. Without further thought, I began to eat.

"Did you buy everything you will need?" Apo asked softly between bites of food. I nodded in affirmation.

"Very good. We will be staying here for 3 days, then heading to Morocco, and finally returning to Thailand," Apo explained the itinerary. Mile looked up at him, hesitating to ask a question he had on his mind.

"I don't know what nonsense he's spewing to everyone. I hope he doesn't go too far," Mile remarked with his mouth full. Apo took out their phones, both were switched off. They had ignored numerous calls and texts from home.

~Mr. Cousin Loves Me~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें