Mr. Nattawin

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Mile adjusted his round glasses, looking around in awe as he tried to make sense of the scene. The front of the mansion was adorned with white roses and red ribbons, giving off a festive wedding vibe. A stage was set up on the edge of the property, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere. Mr. Gus flashed a half smile at Mile, who appeared lost in the midst of it all. 

Not having any siblings, Mile wondered who could possibly be getting married. Could it be Grandpa? 

"Mr. Gus, who's getting married?" Mile inquired. 

"It's me, Mr. Phakphum. I finally took your advice," Gus replied, a hint of playful seriousness in his tone.

Mile, looking both shocked and pleased, exclaimed, "Oh, congratulations!"

Gus laughed, happy to share this moment with the nerdy boy.

Mile chuckled nervously, his nerdy smile still plastered on his face. Despite his high level of education, he often fell for jokes and pranks, making him appear foolish at times.

Realizing that Mile had believed his fib, Gus chuckled, "Relax, I was just pulling your leg. Let's go inside. Mr. Chai is waiting for us to have lunch."

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Mile stepped out of the car and handed the keys to the nearest person, asking them to take it to the garage.

As soon as he stepped in the grand hall a shadow appeared before him. Shorter than his height. Mile was taken aback when Anong suddenly pulled him into a tight hug. He wasn't used to physical contact, but he found himself unable to push away someone who held him so dearly. Despite his aversion to skin contact, Anong's hug felt comforting and maternal to him.

"Let him go, Anong. He looks exhausted from his long journey," Mile's mother called out from the other end of the grand hall, her tone tinged with a hint of jealousy. She maintained a stern expression as she spoke. Mile was picky about who he allowed to hug him, reserving that privilege for only those closest to his heart. Anong was on that list, but his mother was the only one who could embrace Apo. 

Anong and Banyen were like two sisters, both married to the Romsaitong brothers. As Mile lifted his gaze, he noticed Grandpa Chai sitting at the other end of the table, wearing a somber expression as if he was unwell. Anong released Mile from the hug and with a smile, she guided him to a chair where his favorite dishes were already waiting for him.

"Thank you, Mama Moon," Mile expressed his gratitude to her, receiving a warm smile in return. However, their moment was quickly interrupted by Chai.

"How was your journey?" Chai inquired in a stern tone. Ever since Mile had left the house, he had no desire to return, not even for a single day. Chai couldn't help but wonder what could be the reason behind this sentiment.

Today, he returned because Chai had pretended to be sick. Chai's deception was exposed when Mile boarded the plane. Feeling upset by Chai's lie, Mile confronted him about it. Chai, as the elder of the family, believed he had a responsibility to ensure Mile's presence.

"It wasn't a pleasant experience, knowing you lied to me," Mile expressed sincerely. The abrupt and false claim of Chai's illness had been the catalyst for his return. If Chai had been truthful, Mile likely would not have come back.

"Do you dare speak to me in such a manner?" Chai retorted angrily, slamming his fist on the table. The room fell silent at the sudden outburst. Despite his tough exterior, Chai harbored a soft spot for his intellectual grandson. Although Mile struggled to comprehend love, his acceptance and understanding would bring Chai a profound sense of relief that words could not fully capture. However, Chai detested being challenged.

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