11. Clandestine

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'A direct approach is often best!'

Celia walked up to Taze that same day and asked in a low voice, "What is wrong with you? Why are you sick?"

Taken aback, Taze raised a fine brow. ~"What are you asking? I'm completely healthy."~ He replied using telepathy, which made Celia return to her seat to avoid unwanted stares..

Carla sent Celia a questioning look, but celia shook her head slightly, reassuring her.

She turned her focus back to Taze, saying, ~"At least five people in this class are convinced the 'Crown Prince' won't live much longer."~ She left out the fact that she was certain.

~"That's a groundless rumor."~ He insisted.

"Tsk!" She exclaimed aloud, bit disguised it as a cough. ~"You fell ill in your first year... Isn't that why you left school?!" ~

Pause... Then, ~"You really do know too much..."~

~"You said you don't mind!"~ She retorted, then quickly blurted out before she lost courage, ~"I suspect someone is out for your life! What are your symptoms?!"~

If she was even to attempt curing him, she needed to know his symptoms for a start, but Taze was quick to distract her.

~"Celia! I didn't know you cared! This is a wonderful day!"~

~"Shut it and list your symptoms!"~ She demanded, but he began reciting poetry.

~"For you, oh Fair Lady! I shall brave the highest mountain, and cross the deepest seas...!"~

~"Grrrrr!"~ She gritted her teeth and cast the spell which blocked out his telepathy.

Behind her, Taze gave a small smile. 'Celia, I can never let you get involved...'

A few more days of trying to get answers from Taze, were about as successful as Sweeping back the tide with a broom!

Once, Celia even tried grabbing his wrist to forcefully read his pulse, but he caught her hand, yanked her closer and planted a bold kiss on her forehead, which tossed her concentration out the window, as she sucked in a sharp breath...

'I give up!' she surrendered. 'I'll figure it out on my own!'

In the following days, Master Sylva was amazed to see Celia focusing on Mind magic.

"This is new..." He observed. "Through the years you've been particularly dismissive of any Mind Magic, even your Foresight magic."

That much was true...

Under Master Sylva's guidance, Celia had mastered almost every aspect of Light magic, had broken down her ice magic to water and air magic, mastering those as well, and she could even harness a bit of earth magic.

But she was indeed dismissive of her Foresight magic, which she was still unable to control, and which had never manifested past age nine.

It was the same in her previous lives, and after her first life, she never bothered with it again, because she already knew every unfortunate event that would follow, and found ways to prevent them whenever she could.

But in this life, she was determined to delve into Mind magic, because she wanted to delve into Taze's mind, and also try to foresee things she may have overlooked in her first life!

"Well, you already have an affinity for Mind Magic, so technically, it should be easy." Master Sylva explained. "However, I suspect you're mentally blocking it out, and that is the worst kind of challenge... Fighting yourself!"

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