Even With all the Time in the World (Sakuya's POV)

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*Tick, tock, tick, tock*


One, two...

Cleaning is easy. Well, it is when you can sweep the floor without raising the dust from it.

Three, four...

Perfectly still. It is easier to control water from spilling and staining the carpet this way. The windows are spotless now.

Five, six...

A small break. A girl needs to rest. Just because they don't see me do it, it doesn't mean I don't take it easy. I just do it at my own... time.

Seven, eight...

No matter how much mistress insists into bringing more fairies into the household, I have to keep an eye on them. As cute as they are, they almost burn the kitchen to the ground. Again.

Nine, ten...


*Tick, tock, tick, tock*

Haaah... When mistress is not around, this mansion feels so empty. Where is she now? What is she doing? But, I can't blame her. When you live as long as she did, boredom becomes an issue difficult to solve.

All that is left, is to patrol the halls for a bit. Just like cleaning, it is easier when intruders can't move.


As usual, no one tried to enter today. Not even that pesky Marisa is trying to enter into Lady Patchouli's library. I would normally let her though, it is nice to talk to her every once in a while. But... maybe I should try to protect that library, I need to stay on Lady Patchouli's good side. I still owe her that grimoire.


No one on the first or third floor either. All that's left is the second floor. And as usual, nothing. Some fairies got a nice scolding from me, but that's practically routine at this point. Well, since mistress is not here, taking a break on the balcony sounds pleasant before bringing snacks and tea to young mistress down in the basement.

The weather is nice, but a bit cold. I hope mistress is comfortable wherever she is right now.

"...Come on, bring it!"

Hm? I look towards the main gate, and there she is. Messing with that human again. I hope she doesn't hurt him after what happened with Lady Flandre. Although, it was funny seeing him squirm whenever I had to clean his wounds.

Nobuyuki... I never thought mistress' senseless plan would work. They never do, most of the time. Still, he worries me. I was sure Lady Patchouli would find out if he was a youkai or something like that, but he's just a regular human. A weak one at that. Gensokyo's unusually still lately, and now humans from the village are acting weirdly. Something is going on...

But, whenever I see Meiling with him, I have this strange feeling in my chest. It is unpleasant. But I had this feeling before. It also happened whenever I see mistress getting too close to that shrine maiden, or when that flower youkai tried to advance Meiling.

My chest feels even tighter whenever I think about the mistress' possible reactions to her new employee. That simpleton gatekeeper is friendly to a fault, she would befriend even the most uncivilized beast in Gensokyo if she could. What about Lady Remilia?

Is she going to like him? Will she invite him for a private dinner? Will she ask him to let her drink blood from his neck...? What am I doing feeling jealous all of the sudden? Oh my, I crumpled my uniform again.

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