chapter 11- birthday dinners

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Bellys pov

"Wait, why are there two cakes?" Belly asked, confused
"Well, u didn't know this, but it was mkayals birthday yesterday, and we didn't know, so we're throwing u a joined birthday dinner?"
Laurel stated, "Oh spegeti, and garlic bread." jere giggled. He was clearly excited, but belly wasn't she didn't like sharing her special day at all.

"Thanks Susannah I love this!" Mkayla said, and sushan smiled, stiing down before saying "well now that we're all settled, I have an announcement, "the fishers family is gonna take Mkayla in!" Conrad spat out his drink "like adopt?" "No! Absolutely not!" Mkyala said to quickly,"More like  rommmate who we will love!"And don't worry Susannah I'll pay rent." She smiled.
Now she was gonna stay with Susannah, belly couldn't help but feel jealous.

         *3 or more hours after dinner*

Conrad's pov

"Oh fuck Connie" she whispered in Conrad's ears. Conrad was holding back his moan, but he was struggling to hold off any more
"Fuck! Can u just go already?" Mkayla said "I don't want to go before you" He said "I already went once!" She protested. Making Conrad thrust harder into her. Moving faster at a ungodly pace, mkaylas flimsy bed frame was creaking.
They both came downnfrom their high, at the same time moaning into, thier mouth Conrad cleaned himself off, and makayla too.

"Now are u gonna tell me why u needed a distraction?" She pressed Conrad
Conrad kissed her, and pulled her on to his lap, making out with her, she was in a over sized t shirt that she had just thrown on the minute conrad pulled out, while he was just in his boxers.

She sat on his lap, but pulled away from his kiss "What's going on with u" she asked worried "my mom's cancer is back" He sighed "what?" She almost yelled "shh no one expect me, my dad, and mom knows yet!"  "Omg I can't belive it" she was breathing quick now "hey hey it's gonna be OK she'll get thru it" He calmed her "Is that why u were so eager for this?" She asked, conrad couldn't tell if she was hurt or not but he knew it was best to be honest, "yeah" he shiged, mkyala was hurt he knew it too
"I get it, but ghat so messed up" she smiled getting of him and getting dressed.

She was about to walk out of the door, but then she turned and said  "I think we should stop. I shouldn't use you to relive my stress and you shouldn't use me to relive ur grief" she said pain in her voice. Conrad didn't run after her, he just let her go.

Hey guys sry for the small chapters and not posting more, I swear it will get better, I've just been busy lately..
But thank u so much for your reads! 💖💖💖

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