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(Lets back to Senn and Ria.)
The Voltaris Master started yelling.
-RIAAA!Where are you?
Sorry but,that was funny in the all stories.Senn looked around and agreed the accident.He saw ametist gem.Ametist gem?And its block?On the ground?
-I thought they are just in the underground.
Screams and voices.An ardoni was running away screaming, but the arrow caught him. His signs went out and a protisium song appeared. Pain. A mother sacrificed herself by throwing her child into the sea, not knowing what to do. To save the child. Or throw her child into the sea? Never. She must have been a great mother. Death. as usual. But this attack location was completely different. Ataraxia.
Osk saw this and ran to his comrade screaming. Galleous got angry and punched the table. But there was nothing but the table breaking. Derp just stared. Osk quickly took supplies with him. Derp took 3 bags with him for Galleous and himself and showed them the exit.
-Get outta here!
Galleous agreed and took Derp with him. But...
The exit was closed. And as the bridge collapsed, it fell on Osk's leg. The young girl screamed in pain. As she was about to collapse, Galleous grabbed her from the waist and held her in his arms. He prepared the Derp fish. Galleous was already waiting to die. Death calmly closed his wings and walked towards them.
-Do you know who you are?
A stupid question. Osk opened his eyes slowly. She was in Galleous's arms.
-You have nowhere to run. You have no jewels. But I will make an offer. One of you will die, the other two will escape.
Galleous agreed, gave Osk to Derp, and warned him.
-Hold tight, grab your waist.
Galleous laughed.
-Then I will be the one who will die.
Osk said in a low voice:
Galleous turned.
-Go Derp!Now!
Derp looked up in pain and started running.
Galleous shouted.
-Go on, kill! I don't want to fight anymore. I haven't fought either. But I will fight for Thalleous one last time. For my brother. My only brother.
Galleous looked around. Yui attacked first. Galleous pushed him and started running. He found an iron sword on the ground and picked it up. He cut off the head of a skeleton. They came face to face with Yui. With one blow, Yui staggered. Death attacked, shouting. Galleous waved his sword. But he was too late. passed. Sendaris screamed in pain. He knelt down. Death smiled, this time he took out his scythe.
-This time I will kill you with my scythe.
Galleous didn't say anything, he just looked at him with anger one last time. He looked at the blood on his hand. This is what fighting was like. You fought and in the end you either died or were killed. If he had dealt with it one last time.
He took his sword again and they fought. Then he drew a circle. He knew he would be defeated. Or you would run away. He started running. And he created fog with his power. Warehouse! He quickly ran to the warehouse, jumped out of the warehouse and locked all the trap doors. He took a breath and started to wait.
Seconds...Galleous thought.
"If I found another way,maybe I can espace."
Sendaris male looked around,he saw a hole.
"Wait a minute..."
He could grow the hole?Galleous smiled.
Sea looked her mom.
-Mom?Is-s th-hat yo-ou?
Stella smiled.
-Welcome back,my dear.
Kia smiled.
-It's good to see you.
Thalleous confirmed.
-Me too.Actually...
Sendaris stopped.
-Aha I understand.Galleous right?
-Not yet.
Kia looked suspiciously.Contiuned.
-Jea...Was dead when I found her.
Thalleous shocked looked around and clear his throat.
-Are you sure?
Kia confirmed and showed the body.
-Here the body.
Thalleous looked.Jea.
-Who?Who killed my l-
Thalleous was quiet.
-Your l?l what?
-Add nothing.Just l okay?
Thalleous smiled angrily.
-Finished!The war is finally begun.
Galleous looked the hole.A pink light.Light pink.Galleous looked biggerly than before.
The Mondaris opened her eyes.
-Where am I?
Galleous explained.
Val yelled.
-I know you idiot!Just where are we know also where is the Osk?And the fishman?Dorp?Dirp?
-Derp.I will explain and tell all.
-Fine.But look!
She was showing Galleous's arm.
Different sound.
-Yeah nothing just some blood but I will more of that.
Val opened her eyes bigly.Ardoni girl whispered.
Galleous smiled.
-How can I espace?I can 't I let me tell ya.
Death looked around.
-Perfect place for hide.But,not for me.
Thalleous saw a fire.
-Ataraxia?Can 't be.
Val was crying.Galleous yelled.
-Let me go of me!
-Oh yeah who is the scaredy cat?There you are!
Galleous didnt say anything.He couldnt do anything.Anything.
Val looked angrily and kicked.
-Pleasee go.
She saw the blood.Galleous coughed.
-Last seconds.Say your last words.
Galleous smiled.
-My last word:I love my brother.
Fires,Dusts and two ardoni.A Mondaris Female with closed her eyes.And a Sendaris Male with blood.
But there was something.
Greatsword.Diamond.Shining.He was a blood on he's foot.(Not Galleous)But his eyes never stopped shining.His light blue markings.This man had a bad childhood but a good future.Thalleous smiled.
-Galleous!Val!Get away!
But Galleous was fainted.But he was hearding some sounds.
"Be leader."
"Be Icer's man."
3-4 hours later
Okay you can guess Galleous's first word when he is awake.
"Where am I?"asked.A ardoni was there.When he turned Galleous understand who is he.
"Thalleous?Is that you?"said."Yeah I thaought I can save.Lucky man."Thalleous said.
-Me?I am not lucky.I'm lost everyone.Everything.
Thalleous smiled.
-Without one.
-Was it?
Thalleous swallowed.And said:
The room was quiet.The champion contiuned.
-Oh sorry you don't care me.
Why?He remembered his own diary. He had given it to Galleous, so that he would remember it, as a light of hope. Galleous had memorized every page, too. But they were still broken. Why was life so bitter? Why are words not enough?
-I can't tell you huh?
Galleous confirmed.Thalleous looked his brother with his light blue eyes.
-Maybe...You don't know all my feelings. Galleous frowned.
-I don't know what?What?What? He looked like he was about to cry. Thalleous got angry.
-My everything!You don't know who I am!What am I loyal?What is my favorite color?What are my feelings towards you?Do I like bread or cookies?YOU DON'T KNOW ANY OF THESE!Because I never asked.Don't you know who I am?The person you are talking to is Thalleous Sendaris, who has been waiting for hope and love from someone all his life. poor champion!

Galleous fell silent. But Thalleous continued, wanting to pour out his heart further.
-My parents taught you how to make tools. To me? Nothing! Even when I learned that spell! I made my first ice with my own hands and none of them paid any attention to me. They were always busy. I was never jealous of you. But it's disrespectful for you not to think about me even once.
Galleous stopped. He was right, but... What was he going to say?
-Are you hearing whispers about Icer too?
-It's not a whisper. Mine was the same spells as his. Mine is naturally not yours. Thalleous softened. Galleous didn't want to draw attention, but he burst into tears. Thalleous was just looking at the ground, and there were tears on the floor. Was that it? In so many words. That's what he felt. Too much grudge? Grudge? Was Thalleous feeling grudge? Or something else? Is it something? Or is it because he didn't use the songs? Thalleous:
-Let's go now. I don't want to talk any more.
-To where?
-You can go anywhere you want.
There was compassion in Thalleous's tone. It was full of love and mercy.
(Sorry but I am back guys!)

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