Among Us

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(NOT GAME NAME OKAY?I mean...Ugh anywere...)
Hımmm i thougth so so much for new character-its important too my english exam-I think i can add.)
Frozen...Who knows?Ice blocks into the sky.Did you want to take my opinion?That's horrible.A creture walking on the snow(freezing snow)but he didn't feel the cold.A woman came to near.
-What are you think?
-I don't know.
-So?Did y-
-İva I said.I am so old.So so so old I can't
İva looked him sadly then walked to her child
-Don't cry my dear.
(DONT CRY《 _ 》)
Baby looked her then search her father with blue eyes.
-Your father is gone baby.
Baby was sad but she hope he will return one day.
The creature(Icer) walked to baby.
-How is it going?
-Huh?Are you asking for me?
Icer aggreed.
-Hang on!I know I am worst leader in the world but...
İva sighed.
-This is your ninety-fifth says again.
-Okay.I need a new leader.
-I don't know.
But Galleous working on a sword.Diamond.So?Hımmmm.Galleous shouted.
-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?My brain stopped!
Osk smile to him.
-Okayy...What happened man?
Osk chuckled.
-Hımm my brain is working.Wait are you starting be old?PUAHAHHA.
Galleous was angry he don't know what should he do again,but this time he trew the empty box to Osk.
Osk chuckled again.
-Calm down.Sorry man.
(Hımmmm.Should I return Tygren?OHH FIGHT WITH THALLEOUS BOII!Okay okay I will👍)
A voltaris male walking in the Meridian.(Tygrennnnn)Tygren was angry and...
Bruh okay I am not saying.Lets back past.
"-Thalleous?Are you survived?HOW?
Tygren shouted and looked him angrly.
But Thalleous wasn't angry he starting chuckled.
-Suprise right?But I am saying now.Tygren Voltaris.We meet again.
-Right.But this your story is finishing there.
-Are you sure?
-Yes I am.
Two enemy take out their sword.Tygren tumbled to Thalleous.But Thalleous wasn't answered him attack.Right away he did Defensive Position.Sword sounds.
Tygren step aside.
-So close.
-Try again.
Sword sounds again.Thalleous was determined not to be defeated, Tygren killed many of his friends with his sword, and that was not enough, he made fun of him.Hawken...Thalleous shouted.
Tygren droped him sword.Thalleous chuckled.
Thalleous walked to him then...
Kicked in the lava."
Tygren was angry.
-Will kill ha?I will win this time.
(Ahhh. These guys war never ends.)
Lets back to Queen Abbigail.
-Was it?
Luna turned her.
-Hımm,Maybe I need visit to Mr.Finch.
Luna don't understood.But Abbigail remember Sam.Poor Sam...
-Anywere lets contiune our travel.
Senn to get down him horse.He walked to Ataraxia Hospital.A nurse greeted him at the door.
-Hello there!How can I help?
-Hi.Did you kn-
-Ha?You must be Senn.Voltaris master.I know who you came for.
Senn followed the nurse.
-Oh Senn...Is that you?
Thalleous smiled to him stepson.Senn:
-Are you silly?I WAS SO SO NERVOUS FOR YOU?!
Champion chuckled.
-Oh yeah I was know,but how can come to near that situation.
Thalleous pressed his wound.Senn laughed:
-Fine.Where is the Galleous?
-He is went.We-
-Sorry boy,I am not a good brother.
Osk entered through the door.
-Ohhhh father and son...
Thalleous shouted.
-Sorry man.Nurse said you ready for go.
Thalleous and Senn looked.
Doctor was chasing the Timber.
Thalleous thanks to doctor.
-Thank you doctor.I think i can go.
He(Doctor)smiled to him.
-Sure.Again get well soon.
Thalleous called the Timber.
-Come on Timber.
No sound.
Timber was hiding for the doctor.Thalleous:
-Hey buddy!Are you hiding?I can see you head.
Timber hummed angrily.
-Haha?Was it so?Come on Senn.Lets go.
Senn confirmed and walked with him.
-I wasn't know the TNT.What happened in there?
Thalleous sighed.
-Uhh.I don't know but.
-Calm down.Would you like rest together?
-Oh.Sorry I-
They entered the rest room.
They are sat a armchair.Thalleous was near him.Senn abandoned himself to Thalleous.Senn accidentally touched Thalleous wound.Thalleous He calmly expressed his pain.
-No problem.
Senn closed his eyes.Thalleous smiled and thought the past.Hımmmm.Him childhood...Parents death.The Great War.Be a champion...Ahh.Hawken...Tygren's death(he killed)But he...Ah.How can he say.Childhood.Why he traded young age.Why?That isn't him mistake.Ahhh.Sleeppp.Wait he can sleep.
Thalleous whispered.
-Wait can I sleep?
He was alone.He looked around.But he started close him eyes.
Sendaris champion contiune to sleep.
Doctor came in.
-Wait can he sleep?
Doctor chuckled.
Osk called.
-Hey Galleous!Did you visited T-
Hey I am sleepinggg.
Sea was sleeping.
-I am bored.
-Hey.We promised to Thalleous.We can't leave.
Pea sighed.
-HEY!I don't care Thally.Idiot man.
Sea was angry.
-You can't use him nickname.Just-
-UGH!Lets go.
-You can't say him idiot.He saved you.He saved w-
-Sea!Use your brain!We can be heroes.
-I don't want.
-Fine.I am going.
Sea thought a second.
Death looked the fire mirror.
-Lets start.
Kay was having breakfast with Roary.
-Hey sis!
-Do you-
Kay take a bite from him apple.
-Thalleous.Did you talking with him?
Roary started be angry.She didn't like that man and wouldn't forgive him for what he did. He couldn't interfere with her fate.
-I don't talking.He did a big mistake.
-What did he?
-He saved me!He changed my destiny!
Roary was a strange girl.Kay don't understood.
-Come on Sea!
But Pea was walking in the forest and she don't care her sis.
-What are you doing?
-I searching Death.
-You can't!Thall-
-Are you kidding me?We are fighters.
Pea keep going to walking,she looked around and turn the her twin.
-See?Not dangerous.
-Look I am not quiet sure of that b-
-Shut up!
Pea was whispering.She take out her sword.Sea confirmed and took her spear from the her back.
A sound.
Pea was very nervous.
-Someone is following us.
Sea was ready to fight but Pea was sure that's a strong enemy.And wing sounds.
Twins start to run but Pea feel a arrow her back.She screamed.
-Bear up!Almost theree!
But second arrow...
Young ardoni collapsed to the ground.
Death smiled.
-Oh my god!Try again Sea!
Sea looked her twin sadly.
Did you know that part in the storys.Someone took your friend and you must run.If you looked behind...You starting crying right?Same feel on the Sea.Sea started scrame and cry.
-How?!Why didn't fought you idiot?
And she can guess Thalleous's strong sound.But he will right.Because that's they mistakes.Actually s-.WAIT!
-Where am I?
Galleous looked a paper from the Star Gate book.
Merlin came to near.
-Galleous you have a message from Roary Prenze.
-Message:Come to the Riverstead.I need to meet someone.
Galleous was suprised.
"I can't travel somewhere."
-UGH!Igneous,where is the Thalleous?
-I don't know.I saw him last in the rest room.
Galleous left Igneous behind.He saw Jea.
-Jea where is the rest room.
-Oh Thalleous right?This way.
Galleous and Jea walked.
-So?I don't know you know the Thalleous
Jea smiled.Then she said:
-Of course I know.He is my childhood friend.
-Good bye.
Galleous chuckled.
-Crazy woman.Her feeling really strange.
He is open the door then he saw Senn and Thalleous on the Armchair.
-Perfect!How can I say him now?
Thalleous opened him eyes slowly.
-Galleous?Are you was here?
Galleous scared then startted to shame.
-Ha.I will want thing.
Thalleous years later, he still couldn't clear the effect of sleeping from his brain.
"How can I say?"
"Talk with him."
"I can't."
"Yes you can"
-Do you can take me to Riverstead?
That's all.Thalleous smiled and He caressed Senn's hair.
-Fine.So be it.
Galleous sighed happily.
Jea looked both behind door.
But Doctor contiune following Timber.
(XD doctor what are you doing?)
(UGH🥵Finally I finished this part.Hey did you know I starting to like my story.Lets hope.I am going a holiday for a week so I can't work for one week.So sorrryyy but I PROMISE:I WILL FINISH THE STORYYYY)

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