The Leader Of Ices

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A man was walking on the ground.He had a fish.He was don't know where he is.Then he looked a girl,she looking a map.He understand where he is.Ataraxia.Yes Ataraxia.He found a workshop.He came in.
Galleous was organizing  the sword shelfves.He noticed the fishman.(A nickname from me.)Galleous spoke without turning around:
-Can I help?
No sound.Osk called.
-Galleousss who came?
Galleous turned behind.He let out a mid-level scream.
-Wh-o are you?
Osk heard the scream,took a sword and runned to them.
-Whats happening in here?
The fishman(derp) worried and threw his fish for the Osk.Osk shouted.
Galleous tried to approach him but Derp suddenly stupidly started to tour the workshop.Galleous chuckled at the moment Osk was able to throw the fish aside and understand what was happening.
Fishman accidentally knocked over the swords.Then he knocked the books and drop on the table.A helmet drop on Derp.Fishman couldn't see anything.Osk started scream.
Galleous shouted.
But Osk can't calmed her.She started turning around.
Galleous started be angry.Val heard they are sounds.Young female ardoni asked:
-In the name of primes, what's going on here?
Osk screamed:
Galleous shouted.
Osk calmed her.Val chuckled:
-For God's sake, I thought something had happened to you.
She exits the workshop.Galleous cleared his throat.
-Look,you don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you.
Derp confirmed with his head and show to him a map.
-What's that buddy?
Osk answered.
-I think it's a base.
Galleous asked second question.
-Which base?
Osk was pensive.And she spoke:
-I think this is not a ardoni base right?
-Yeah,our bases never made under the ground.
Osk shouted excitedly.
-Maybe this is a
Osk scared to telling name of Death.She told low sound.
-Can be Death's base?
-Oh no.
Abbigail looked to prime songs chest.
-Come on Saxon.Lets back with this.
Saxon confirmed.
-Sure my queen.
Abbigail smiled.Osk thougth very great.
Kia contiuned.
-Okay Ky'Ria what's the plan next?
Ria sighed.
-I don't know really.We don't know Death's base.
Niika agreed.
-I agree.We don't know anything.
Lucan was suspicious.
-Wait,if Death hiding in a base,who did all evens?
-Maybe he have a agent like Kia.
Kia warned.
-But I am Knigth's Of Ardonia agent right?
-Of course Kia I just gave a example.
-Haa okay.
-You also told me that an Ardoni whose name I don't know yet is the champion. You said he had suspicions about Death. Where is he?
Lira is right.
Where is the Thalleous?
Thalleous was trying to espace.However Death's speeches always demotivated him.
-Poor you how can espace?
-Pea in my team now.Oh you was rescued her from the skeletons right?
-Do you know Galleous is right?Are you sure?
-Your champion is endings here?
-You'll spend the rest of your life here, suffering. It's sad.
-Some idiots say The Star Gate will open and will kill me?Thats horrible!Hah!
-Hımm.Icer is die right?Or he is so so old.
Who do you think will be the new leader?
Thalleous was very bored.Shouted.
-ENOUGH!This has gone on for too long and I'm bored.
Death smiled.And kidded with him.
-Sorry sir.I forgot the rule.In your military life, they would always call you yes sir, no sir.
Thalleous sighed.
Galleous,Osk and fishman was looking to map.
-Okay okay.Can't be right?
A man called her.
-Osk Fikar.
-Master Siderian calls you.
Derp looked to Galleous.Perhaps he says"Are we'll go there?"Galleous refused.
-No this is fine offer but I will not.
Derp looked sadly and return to map.
Death show to champion the stick.
-See?I can change everything with this.I can take your brain.I can clear.Thalleous is scowl his eyebrow.Death smiled.
-But I have just one...Just one stick left.
Thalleous answered:
-I am sure,you will try this on me.
Death says:
-No buddy not now.But look to Pea.She is changed.
Thalleous looked to girl sadly.He whispered
-Poor Pea.I will save you,I promise.
Pea looked him.
-Save?You need save yourself first silly!I don't need you.
Thalleous sighed.
-Okay you know.
But Thalleous noticed the stick.It was shining when Pea start talking.Thalleous confirmed.
-I agree with you Pea.I need rescue myself.
Pea laughed.The stick start shining.Thalleous smiled.
-I found!
Galleous put the map on the table and looked Derp.
-Are you alone?
Derp confirmed.
A village was burning.Flames of War.
Halt started kill peoples.Screams and cry sounds.Roary was trying to save people.But Halt was very strong.
-What are you doing here Halt?
Halt smiled.
-Go inside Roary.Nobody can stop me.
Roary scowled and shouted.
-Really?First you must save your ardoni friend.
Halt yelled.
-WHAT?!Really?Do you don't know?
Roary suprised.
-Thalleous is about to die. I wish you would say your last words. I wish you would make peace.
Roary clear her throat and start crying.
-NO!I will not save!
Thalleous started try broke the wall.
Sea looked around.A village was burning.She took out her stick and started running into the village.Nestoris saw the Halt and Roary.They were fighting.
Roary drop the ground.Halt laughed.
-Lets take your last words.
Sea shouted.
No.A stick sound.Roary smiled.
-Thank you Sea.
Galleous took out a gem.Sighed.
-Thalleous gave it to me. You can only use it once, but it takes you wherever you want. He said it can carry the power for up to 4 people.
Osk yelled happily.
-We can learn Thalleous's place!
Galleous swallowed and took an enchanted diamond sword from the shelve.
-I think I'm going back to my old memories.
Osk smiled.
-Yeah.You,me and Derp.We can save your brother.
Galleous smiled.
-Guys!I am changing the plan.We will enter the castle like wild warriors and take my brother.
Derp jumped.Osk and Galleous looked.
Abbigail learned the burning village.
-Oh no.Saxon!
Galleous hold Derp hand with right hand and hold Osk with left hand.Whispered to purple gem.
-Take me to my brother place.
The three of them disappeared into the purple flames at the same time.
Osk yelled very loud voice.Derp was here.
-Where we are?Galleous!Where are you?
A hand touched her.
-I am here.
Osk calmed down.They are rising in purple background.
The purple background missed.
Osk asked.
-Where we are?
Galleous sighed.
-Great question!Where we are?
A sound laughed.
-Welcome back,Galleous Sendaris.
Galleous swallowed.Sendaris whispered.
-Please don't be.
Second dream to Senn.
This time...
The Voltaris Master looked around. This time he was in a blue place. This time there was no Ria, no Val, no others. Just the dying Galleous and a strange blue creature. This creature was in front of Galleous, creature was holding a cube. Galleous looked at his hands. Then he screamed in pain. The creature was laughing. It's blurry.
Senn yelled.
Derp start running.But no way.Osk was holding a TNT in her hand to defend herself.Galleous shouted.
Death took out his sword.
-I was waiting for you too. This moment. Thalleous can't defend you while in the cell. Yes, I will kill you together. The end of your journey, Leader of the Ice.
Galleous stopped. Was he the Leader of the Ice? Thalleous shouted.
-Don't approach my brother! Osk was afraid.
-Please Death leave us. We only want Thalleous.
-Shut up cotton candy!
Osk frowned. Cotton candy was a nice nickname, but she didn't like Death. Even Osk, the cutest, sweetest girl in the world,she didn't like him. Galleous took out his sword.
-Osk, Derp! Get behind me! Whatever he wants is mine, he will take it if necessary, but I will fight.
Thalleous called out.
Galleous stepped towards Death. Death knocked the new leader of the Ice aside. Galleous screamed in pain. Osk burst into tears. He threw the TNT in his hand towards the King of Evil. Death stopped the TNT and pushed Osk. Derp threw his fish, but nothing came. Nothing happened. He put a knife on Galleous's arm and threw him to the ground. Galleous's lights flickered. Death looked at Thalleous.
-Look! Your brother is dying.
Thalleous was trying to open the door angrily. Galleous whispered.
-If I'm the leader of the ice, why don't I have any power? Why? Why is Thalleous suffering? Why am I suffering? Why did Osk and Derp follow me? They will all die. WHY?
A flash of ice-colored light threw everyone away. Death screamed. And he was thrown towards the throne. Thalleous's cell unlocked and his sword fell right next to the champion. Osk hit the wall, but she was okay. Derp was still running. He picked up his fish.
Galleous's lights were shining. Finally, his magic power was revealed. Thalleous shouted happily.
Galleous smiled.
-Come on!Lets back!
Again purple flames.
Abbigail,Roary,Sea and Kay were trying to closed the flames.Halt looked them happily.
(Writer note:
Hello I'm again:Orange.
I am so happy for views.
I trying everyday for write more.
Perhaps I can make 50 parts.
Yes you heard right.
50 OR 70 PARTS.
Or I can make 30-40 parts and make new book for our characters next book.)

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