you drive me crazy darling

Start from the beginning

"I want to have some fresh air" her broken voice pierced through the heavy silence in the car, I opened the roof of the car to ease the suffocation she might be feeling
Silence surrounds us as we sit across the sore of ocean watching the soft waves which was sparkling due to moonlight, I looked at her, she was lost, not even an ounce of emotion was present on her face and that's what scares me to very deep depth.
And finally i decided to talk about it

"Arushi" I called her but no reply came.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me finally.

"You know I'm here and you can share everything with me" I said in hope that she will say anything but she just gave me a broken smile which broke my heart to see her like this.
I placed my hand over her shoulder and pulled her to me and to my surprise she didn't resist and placed the back of her head on my chest making herself comfortable and we stayed like this in each other's arms in silence but this time it was comfortable for i don't know how long, i can't take a note of time whenever she is with me.

And after some more time I spoke.

"The waves are getting stronger, let's go to the car now"

And she nodded getting up then dusting the sand out of her black dress, my heart feels very sinful things seeing her in this dress but the care for her is overpowering the desires. I intertwined our hands and we both made our way to the car.

I looked at her arms and it had goosebumps all over, and why not, the air here is pretty much cold.

As we reached the car, i separated our hands and removed my blazer made her wear it. If it was some other situation, I would have lost my control seeing her in this dress but this situation doesn't allow me to and i already had been a jerk all way long many time forcing her into a kiss, which is making me feel very guilty now and I can't make another mistake now until she allows me to.

I looked at her as she leaned her back on the car looking at the ocean ahead us indicating she doesn't want to go back home now.

I opened the car door and grabbed a bottle of champagne which was given to me by my business partner today itself.

I stood beside her also leaning back then opened the cap of the champagne with my teeth and took a sip from it.

"My feets are hurting" she said and looked at me and I raised a brow placing the bottle on the bonnet of the car.

Then without saying anything, i lifted her up and placed her on the bonnet earning a gasp from her.

And then again silence surrounds us while I drink and she looked at the view infront of her and suddenly she said

"Let me take a sip" I looked at her and passed her the bottle but when she was about to grab it, I back away my hand a little

"I hope you won't try to rape me again" I stated with a chuckle and looked at her remembering that moment, embarrassment crept through her face and she hit my chest a little.

"Shut up" She said and grabbed the bottle drinking it while I was looking at her, she was drinking seductively not even knowing the effect it is bringing on me, a drop of drink slips from her lips and made it's way to her neck and my eyes followed it and finally it got lost in her cleavage and I looked away feeling hot suddenly and after a moment again looked at her and she also looked at me then patted the vacant place beside her indicating me to get up there and i did, she passed me the bottle and I drink too after some time of drinking together in silence she spoke

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