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The tingling sensation reduces itself to a whimper as Okabe regains consciousness. It appears he is in the lab once again, although it's a little bit dustier and lonelier than before. Mayuri's Upa pillow looks unphased no matter what world line he ends up in. And yet he still has a lingering feeling of sadness. 

The lab's computer looks like it hasn't been touched in a year, it's almost like the laboratory has been abandoned. But the Upa plushie doesn't look a second older than before. The general details of this world line are unknown to him. If the culture of an entire city can go away from a d-mail, then the lab can be abandoned just the same. 

Okabe knows the lab hasn't been abandoned by everyone.  After all, the Upa still sits heavy on the couch, almost like a mirror image of what Okabe's heart is crushed by. 


He softly moves his hands around the plushie before looking around for more information. Judging by his emails he had gotten a new phone earlier that year. But it still retained the contact information of all of the lab members, except Mayuri. The thought of Mayuri having died months ago, and him living on in this world line is a testament to Okabe's resolve. Even with the loss of his dearest friend, he still lives, even if his body and mind have deteriorated. 


Subject: Mayuri's service

From: Daru

To: Okabe

Mayuri's memorial will be happening later this month on the 28th. I know you're still grieving, hell I am too, but it's been half a year since she died. A salary worker pushed her into oncoming traffic and before anybody could pull her back, she died on impact. You didn't show up to her funeral six months ago, and I don't expect you to show up to her memorial. But I hate having to talk with these normal fags, it's all, "How's it going at work today? Oh, you got the new XYZ? Me Too!" it's all the same talk, and I hope that this can be an opportunity for us to reconcile over her death. Faryis, Lukako, and Suzuha are all attending, unfortunately, Ms. Makise has been in the United States since the end of August of last year. It's unlikely she'll be pausing her groundbreaking research, even for a beloved friend's memorial. Although the last time I saw Ms. Makise was at the funeral. I hope you come back Okarin. Everyone does.

"So my assumption wasn't incorrect."

Okabe tries to hold back his tears, but even a year later they come flooding out like it was yesterday. 

"How long did I hide myself from my friends?"

"I didn't even go to her funeral or her memorial..."

Staying in these worldlines only leads to heartbreak. But he doesn't have much of a choice. He still doesn't know the cause that sent him through this chain of world lines. If he only knew what event knocked him out, he could easily reverse-engineer himself back to Steins;Gate. 

Okabe grabs himself a Dk Pepper from the fridge, as per usual it has its refined taste only for mad scientists like himself. Okabe doesn't mind keeping up the persona, as long as he can return to Steins;Gate. 

It's only 10:30 AM and yet he's already exhausted. Might as well take a nap after going through more emails. 


Subject: Visiting

From: Kurisu

To: Okabe

Seeing an email sent by Kurisu piqued Okabe's interest. Although its contents were only three sentences in length stating the obvious from her subject. Knowing the inactivity of Okabe in this world line, it's reasonable to assume he didn't see her. It's impossible to know what his relationships have morphed into, given the immense depression brought upon him by Mayuri's passing. But it can't be anything good, he probably hasn't seen any of them since that day in September.

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