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The cold gusts of wind collide with Okabe's sleeping body, jolting him awake. Slowly but surely he got up, regaining his consciousness after the tiring chain of events in the past.

His hand gently brushes the window, closing the dispenser of frigid air. Before closing the blinds, he glimpses at the Akihabara of his memories. A bustling town full of strange and unique individuals. The town that harbored the August he would never forget.

He turns on the shower, tilting its head up to a slight 20-degree angle, before finally allowing himself to relax.

The unease he feels intensifies with every second he tries to relieve himself, trying to remember the past.

And yet he can't remember...

He continues searching.

And yet he can't remember..

He struggles.

And yet he can't remember.

Out of the many world lines he's journeyed through, he can only remember general details of ones far past his final encounter with Kurisu. John Titor, the self-proclaimed time traveler from a far-off year, claimed CERN was planning to use time machines to create WWIII.

Another was the perfect world line he envisioned.


The world line with a perfect divergence, would in theory prevent Mayuri and Kurisu from dying.

And yet his ability activated.

What could've possibly altered the perfect divergence?

How could he be so foolish to believe in such a worldline?

In the end, his life never truly changes for the better.

At least not in the way he wants it to change.

Messing with Time Travel is the power of a god.

Okabe abused it, causing all of the people he loved to be endangered.

The gusts of the early morning wind kept Okabe's cold aching heart warm.

The steaming water from the shower erodes the barrier keeping Okabe from advancing.

But the dissonance in his soul from living so many lives in the past continued to rebuild the walls he had in place.

The striking imagery of his friends being mauled by bullets keeps him from moving forward.

Okabe is stuck in the past.

The great Hououin Kyouma, a mad scientist, is an act.

An act to cheer up his childhood friend.

But is that truly the case?





Time moves forward.

Time he is wasting away in.

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