2. Rival

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As Lyra slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbed with a dull ache, and her limbs felt heavy and sluggish. Blinking against the harsh light that flooded the room, she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, her mind still foggy from the effects of the chloroform.

The sound of someone speaking on the phone reached her ears, muffled by the haze of her senses. She strained to listen, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to piece together the fragments of conversation that drifted through the air.

"Boss, the lady is finally awake," a voice said, the words sending a shiver down Lyra's spine.

A few minutes later, the door creaked open and then shut abruptly, plunging the room back into darkness. Lyra's eyes darted around, her heart racing as she tried to make out the figure that approached her in the dim light.

And then, with a flicker of movement, the lights came on. Blinking against the sudden brightness, Lyra took in her surroundings. The room was sparse, with only a few pieces of furniture and no windows. It felt claustrophobic and suffocating.

Her eyes darted to the figure standing before her—tall, imposing, with an air of authority that made her blood run cold. He was young, handsome in a rugged sort of way, with piercing emerald eyes that sent a chill down her spine. He wore a tailored suit that spoke of wealth and power, his every movement exuding confidence and control.

As he approached her, Lyra's heart hammered in her chest, her instincts urging her to fight or flee. But she was bound and helpless at the mercy of her captor.

The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy weight that hung between them like a veil of shadows. Lyra's eyes darted around, taking in her surroundings—the bare walls, the dim light, the chair to which she was bound. Panic clawed at her insides, but she forced herself to remain calm, to steel her resolve against the looming threat that now stood before her.

With a defiant glare, Lyra stamped her foot against the ground, a silent signal for him to remove the gag that stifled her words. He smirked in response, a cruel twist of his lips that sent a shiver down her spine before bending down to comply with her silent request.

As the gag was removed, Lyra coughed and sputtered, her throat raw from the constriction.

Lyra shot him a glare full of defiance, her jaw clenched with determination. "What do you want from me?" she demanded, her voice laced with anger and fear.

He leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered, "Wouldn't you like me to see the face of my mate?"

Confusion clouded Lyra's mind. Mate? What was he talking about? And then it hit her—Asher Hunter, the Alpha of her rival pack. But she couldn't be his mate. It was impossible.

"Kira Storm," he uttered, his voice dripping with contempt. "My destined mate."

Lyra recoiled at the revelation, her mind spinning with disbelief. How could the Moon goddess reveal such a thing, fully knowing the consequences that would follow?

"It can't be," she spat, her voice laced with venom. "I can never be your mate."

She hadn't even dreamt of going back to her old pack, and now her fate had been decided with a rival Alpha.

He looked at her with disgust written all over his face, his eyes narrowing into slits as he sneered at her. "You're right," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "I can't imagine settling down with a rejected she-wolf, just like you."

Lyra's jaw clenched in anger, but she forced herself to remain composed, to mask the pain of rejection that threatened to consume her.

She refused to show weakness. "Why did you kidnap me instead of confronting me directly?" she demanded, her voice tinged with defiance.

He scoffed at her question, his lips twisting into a mocking smirk. "No third party must be involved," he explained, his tone dripping with arrogance. "And I needed you to reject being my mate because we both know the consequences that come with it."

Lyra's heart sank at his words, the weight of his rejection crushing her spirit. But she refused to let him see her weakness and refused to give him the satisfaction of breaking her resolve.

She smiled slyly, a plan forming in her mind. "So, you're rejecting me indirectly?" she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes in exasperation, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. "Why do you even care if you're my mate or not?" he snapped, his tone bordering on irritation.

Lyra pressed on, her voice firm as she demanded an answer. "You should answer me," she insisted, her eyes boring into his with an unwavering intensity.

Refusing to back down, she didn't hesitate to speak her mind. "Because you kidnapped me, and I deserve to know why," she shot back, her voice defiant.

He sighed heavily, as if weary of her persistence, before answering in a tone laced with indifference. "To be honest, I'd rather be without a mate for the rest of my life than have you as my mate," he admitted, his words like a dagger to her heart.

A pang of hurt shot through Lyra's chest at his callous words, but she refused to let him see her pain. Instead, she forced herself to remain composed, to hide the turmoil that raged within her.

"Okay," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. The pain of rejection hit her hard, but she decided to turn the tables around to take control of her own destiny.

She looked into his eyes with a steely resolve, her voice firm as she spoke the words that would seal her fate. "I, Kira Storm, will be your Luna from this moment, Alpha Asher Hunter."

He stared at her in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock at her unexpected declaration. But before he could respond, Lyra held up a hand to silence him, her expression unreadable as she met his gaze with unwavering determination.

"I may be rejected by my pack, but I refuse to be rejected by fate," she declared, her voice ringing with defiance. "I will not let you dictate my destiny. I choose to accept you as my mate, Asher Hunter, whether you like it or not."

With that, Lyra held her head high, a defiant glint in her eyes as she awaited his response. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife, but she refused to back down, refused to let him see her weakness.

For better or for worse, she had made her choice, and now she would have to live with the consequences.

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