1. Black Out

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Years had passed since Lyra's expulsion from the Silvercrest Pack, yet the pain of rejection still lingered like a bitter taste on her tongue. She had wandered far and wide, seeking solace in the embrace of the wilderness, but the memories of that fateful night haunted her every step.

Now, as she stood in the dimly lit backstage of the Crimson Moon Cabaret, the echoes of her past seemed to fade into the background. Here, amidst the swirling colours and pulsating music, Lyra found a fleeting sense of freedom.

For a brief moment, she was no longer Lyra, the rejected she-wolf. She was simply a dancer, a singer, a creature of the night whose soul was bound to the rhythm of the music.

The Crimson Moon Cabaret hummed with anticipation as Lyra prepared to take the stage. Her heart fluttered nervously in her chest, and her breath coming in shallow gasps as she adjusted the intricate mask that concealed her features. It was a ritual she had performed countless times before, yet each performance brought with it a fresh wave of nerves and excitement.

No one knew the truth behind the mask, and Lyra intended to keep it that way.

With a deep breath, Lyra stepped into the spotlight, her body moving with a fluid grace that captivated the audience's attention. As the music swelled around her, she lost herself in the rhythm, letting the melody wash away the memories that threatened to consume her.

Dressed in a flowing ensemble of midnight blue, adorned with shimmering sequins that caught the dim light of the stage, Lyra exuded an aura of mystery and allure. Her hair cascaded in ebony waves down her back, framing her masked face in a veil of shadows.

As the music began to swell, Lyra closed her eyes and let the rhythm wash over her, her body swaying in time with the haunting melody. The crowd fell silent, captivated by the ethereal beauty that glided across the stage, her movements fluid and graceful.

With each note that escaped her lips, Lyra poured her heart and soul into her performance, her voice resonating with a raw intensity that echoed through the room. It was as if she were channelling her pain and sorrow into music, weaving a spell that entranced all who beheld her.

But amidst the hushed whispers and awed gasps that filled the air, Lyra couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. It was as if someone were watching her, their eyes burning into her soul with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

Her instincts, honed by years of survival in the wilderness, screamed at her to be alert, to stay on guard against unseen dangers. But try as she might, Lyra couldn't pinpoint the source of the creeping dread that threatened to consume her.

As she sang and danced, her eyes swept the crowd, searching for any sign of danger amidst the sea of faces. But try as she might, Lyra could find no trace of the elusive threat that lurked just beyond her reach.

And then, just as she reached the climax of her performance, disaster struck. The lights flickered and dimmed, casting the stage into darkness as a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Panic ensued as the audience scrambled for the exits, their voices rising in a cacophony of fear and confusion.

But amidst the chaos, Lyra remained eerily calm, her senses on high alert as she scanned the darkness for any sign of movement. It was then that she heard it: the heavy thud of footsteps approaching from behind, the unmistakable sound of danger closing in.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Lyra turned to face her unseen assailant, her heart pounding in her chest.

In the darkness, Lyra's instincts screamed at her, warning her of the impending danger. She spun around, searching for the source of the disturbance, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

And then, she saw them—the eyes, glowing like emerald beacons in the darkness, fixed upon her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. She knew then that she was not alone, that she was being watched by someone who knew her, someone who sought to unravel the carefully constructed veil of anonymity that shielded her from the world.

Kira Storm.

For the first time in years, Lyra heard her birth name spoken aloud, a ghostly echo that reverberated through the darkness. Her breath caught in her throat, her mind racing as she struggled to make sense of the voice that called to her from the shadows.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance. "How do you know my name?"

But there was no answer, only the sound of heavy footsteps drawing nearer, each thud echoing like a death knell in the silence. Lyra's instincts screamed at her to flee, to escape the clutches of whatever lurked in the darkness, but she knew she had to stand her ground to confront the danger head-on.

As the figure approached, Lyra backed away, her heart pounding in her chest as she sought to maintain a safe distance. She cried out for them to leave her alone, her voice a desperate plea in the void.

And then, with a command that sent a chill down her spine, Lyra felt hands seize her from either side, pinning her in place as she struggled against their iron grip. She fought with all her strength, her muscles straining against the unseen force that held her captive, but it was futile.

As the world spun around her, Lyra felt a sharp sting against her nose, a sickly sweet scent that filled her lungs and stole away her consciousness. Her vision blurred, the edges of her mind growing hazy as darkness closed in around her.

And then, with one final gasp, Lyra succumbed to the void, her body limp and lifeless in the arms of her captors. The stage, once alive with the promise of music and movement, now lay silent and still, a tomb for the secrets that lurked in the shadows.

The Masked MuseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon