General x Fugitive

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Req by _ametrine

Idk if this is a Smut or an Angst at this point, but stay with me

Blade was caught by the cloud knights and was brought to JY.

Yanqing was sitting next to JY and immediately stand up when his name is called.

"Yes, general. "
"Look at this man carefully. " Said JY looking at Blade from head to toes in a sad demeanour.

"Do you remember me? " Ask JY still in a demanding tone which was answered by Blade.. "I remember.. " Said Blade in a cunning-like tone.

"Of 5 people, 3 must pay a price."
Said Blade as Yanqing felt threatened and draw his sword at Blade until Blade continued his sentence

"You are not one of them, Jing Yuan. "


Blade was now in the shackling prison, suddenly some pink haired short girl approach him.

"I don't know what the general see in you but here. He says it's better if u do it by yourself. " Said the pink haired girl giving him a pair of keys and a paper.

Blade knew what the keys for but the paper? He then understand when he saw the code written on the paper.

Blade already know what he should do to get out but he doesn't expect JY would helped him as it was not in the script Ellio gave him. To be fair he wasn't supposed to tease JY when he was brought in.

The pink haired girl left the prison as Blade start to unlock all the shackles, after he was done he unlocked the prison gates and ran away trying to not be caught as he entered the code that was in the paper and it worked but when the door opened, Blade saw JY behind the door leaning to the wall and seems to be waiting for Blade the whole time.

"Finally, I've wait long enough. " Said JY as he noticed Blade beside him

"Get away from the luofu and I'll spare your life. " Said JY

"You wait for me just for that? How foolish, Jing Yuan. "

"... "

Jing Yuan doesn't utter a single word at Blade's sayings.

"Goodbye then. " Said Blade as he starts to leave Jing Yuan behind

"... " Jing Yuan cannot utter a single word as he felt a tear formed in his eyes.

Jing Yuan then suddenly grab Blade's wrist
"Let me go Jing Yuan. "
Despite Blade's harsh tone, Jing Yuan stayed still in his place and waited for the tear to disappear but it never did, Blade then notice a pair of Cloud Knights in the distance and roughly let go from Jing Yuan's Grip and flee the situation. Jing Yuan reached his hands for him but he did not move a single step

He know, the moment he tried to chase Blade he would not stop and it would ruin his own life. The cloud knights who noticed the wanted Stellaron Hunter tried to chase him until he jump away into a small coded Aircraft Silverwolf made.

Jing Yuan wipe his tear and calms himself down, then he noticed Fu Xuan on the corner of his eyes

"What a drama show, eh? "
"... "
Fu Xuan did not utter a word as he knew Jing Yuan's true feelings to that guy.

"What a rough Fate both of you have. "


"I'm sooooo boreeeeeed! " Silverwolf whined as she had played every game she could, Blade was still sharpening his weapon while Kafka is lovely chatting with Himeko with a fake intention of a deal between the hunters and the express, she really just wanna talk to Himeko.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 07 ⏰

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